Tag: thebibliosphere






I booked myself in for a massage tomorrow with my physio lady cause my jaw and neck are all locked up from the dentist today and it makes you fill out a little questionnaire to better tell your PT what kind of treatment you need. except when I was filling it in I’d just taken a bunch of pain killers and words were hard but then I logged back in to make sure I’d actually booked it and

Reason for your visit?

What kind(s) of pain are you experiencing?

Special Requests

I shouldn’t be laughing, I feel awful, but I’m just imagining you addressing a person this way.

Don’t feel too bad, my physio lady was pissing herself laughing when I showed up. Everytime she tried to pull up my profile to talk about the appointment she’d devolve into hearty chuckling while apologizing continually for laughing at my expense.

And for anyone wondering she was able to ease a considerable amount of the pain. Even while occasionally breaking out into bouts of barely suppressed giggling.

“Circle the parts of your body that hurt”

*Joy crosses out body and inserts “soul”*

Simon, somehow I missed your reblog of this post, but I just saw it cause the post is picking up notes again and I am losing my mind.

I shouldn’t laugh at another’s pain, but this is so relatable.



“What do you mean you don’t believe in gods, you’re a witch”

Yes, and not all witches believe or adhere to a secular belief system of a higher power. 

Scottish witchcraft, actual Scottish traditions and not made up neo-Celticisms, were far more focused on local spirits and the relation between oneself and ones surroundings. And most importantly, the will of oneself. Which isn’t to say that people also didn’t believe in gods, but, well, the concept of gods will always be there. We as a species can’t help but dream of things beyond us. We looked at the stars and looked for ourselves among them. We found familiar shapes and wove stories around them, named them, found meaning and purpose in the steadfast lights of the dark and endless night. 

And then because we’re also idiots we went to war over them. My god is bigger than your good, yea well my god is older, who says, fuck you, meet me in the pit. (People think the space race began in the 50s. They are, for the sake of symbolic narrative purposes, wrong.)

Personally I fully suspect there might be such a thing as gods, but frankly I don’t need them to be me or to do what I do. When people ask me what witchcraft means to me, or if I can recommend any good “how to” books to them, I often find myself at a loss because there are no books I have found that affirm what I know in my gut to be true. You either are or you aren’t. And how you decide that is when you decide that you are. The rest is just the accumulation of knowledge over a lifetime and the assurance that you are responsible for your life, and how you affect the world. And you must conduct yourself accordingly with how you see fit.

And if it turns out there are gods and they’re going to be upset with me that I didn’t pray to them because I was busy, well, fuck ‘em. Any divine entity that can remain passive to the suffering in the world doesn’t deserve my reverence anyway.

But that’s just me. 

It doesn’t invalidate you or how you do what you do. Whatever you need to get you through—so long as it doesn’t hurt anyone, or yourself—you do you.

I’ll be over here. Ramming toothpicks into lemons without ceremony and making vaguely threatening promises at the sky on the off chance something might be listening.

This. Just this.

I’m not a witch, I don’t follow any particular path of any sort. At most I follow my Scouting oath.

I promise, on my honour, to do my best. To do my duty to God and the Queen, to help other people at all times and to uphold the spirit of the Scouting Law.

The way this oath is defined by Scouts Canada is:

Duty to God – whatever responsibilities and/or actions are required by whatever faith you follow. Spirituality is required, a thankfulness and mindfulness of the greater universe in some fashion. Religion is not.

Duty to Queen – our responsibilities towards our community, nation and world.

Other than that it all boils down to being the best, most honest and helpful you that you can be.

And that’s enough.

I describe myself as a devout agnostic. I neither believe nor disbelieve in anything. I just work to make my life the best and most meaningful it can be.

For others that comes with gods, spells or practices. For me it comes with tp roll telescopes. And that sounds perfect to me.

Essential oil master-post for thebibliosphere




What all this essential oils madness is about

Asks about essential oils (aka eo)

Allergies and Asthma

Asthma-friendly eo




Mint eo in brownies

Eo water

Eo as spices

Babies and Pets

Babies and eo

More babies

Working with babies

Bad for cats?

Tea tree oil toxic for dogs

Eo and pets

Eo for beginners

Carrier Oils

Topical use

Eo in a diffuser

Eo for beginners

Eo without carrier

Safe eo

Eo favorites

General Info and Saftey

Vicks Vapor Rub (dangerous for children)

Cuts and busies

Diffuser for bday

Eo mouthwash

Vape eo

Vaping again


Eo in a bath


Heating packs

Scented candles

Migraines and Menstrual Cramps

Hair growth

Bug bites



Products Containing Eo

Bath and Bodyworks

Tide Detergent


Air Wick


Muscle rub

Eo fragrance

Menthol cough drops

Specific Oils

Citrus eo

More citrus 

CBD oil



Sweet almond oil

Cinnamon and Clove

Cinnamon again

Horseradish, mugwort, and jasmine

Jasmine continued

More horseradish

Tea tree oil

Should You Intervene?

Eo used on students


Essential Oil Companies


More doTerra


Young living

Young Living again

More Young Living

Young Living #3

Swis Just


Black Phoenix

Essential Oil Posts

Essential oils and sun

Can you ingest eo?

More eo eating

Eo not the same as extracts

Eo discourse #1

More discourse#2

Even more discourse#3





Whole Foods,arsenic, and Young Living

Whole Foods, Young Living

Eo mascara


Eo and vampires

Eo straws

Eo vague blogging

More vaugeness

Cucifix nail nipples


Me and eo intellectual

Stop tagging me



Eo on toilet paper

Adrenal fatigue

Eo spill

Eo are scary

Mostly about ants

@thebibliosphere I made you an essential oils masterpost

I’m genuinely on the verge of tears.

Thank you for taking the time to go through my blog and do this. It’s something I keep trying to do and then get overwhelmed by and give up in frustration and tears because I inevitably read the comments and just want to jettison my blog into the sun.

Thank you for this.

Also lol, you can very clearly document through these posts when I started recovering from the jaw bone infection and got off the pain killers. They become much more consistent, expansive and a whole lot angrier hahaha

Thank you 💖💖💖