People who drink coffee are most likely the proudest addicts you’ll ever meet.
Tag: Thoughts from the shower
Introverts spend more time thinking about conversing than actually conversing.
After the release of Deadpool, Ryan Reynolds will always sound like Deadpool doing a Ryan Reynolds impression.
It’s that time of year when people start yelling “What’s burning?!” Because someone has turned on the heater for the first time in months.
People with anxiety don’t have a train of thought. We have seven trains on 4 tracks that narrowly avoid each other when the paths cross and all the conductors are screaming.
Having an anxiety disorder is like having that “feeling in the pit of your stomach that something isn’t quite right” just before something bad happens, except you feel it constantly
Peppers are the spicy of the fire, mint is the spicy of the ice, carbonation is the spicy of the air, and vinegar is the spicy of the water.
One remarkable design flaw in the human brain is that it’s possible to be so scared of having a panic attack that you have a panic attack.
Back when people understood the # symbol as “pound” the #metoo movement would have a far different interpretation.
We shouldn’t drink water when studying because chemistry says it reduces concentration.