Tag: Turtles
Here come the most Extra of turtles and tortoises
Indian Roof Turtle, about as close to a dragon turtle as we’re likely to get.
Burmese Roof Turtle, with a banana for a head
Diamondback Terrapin, the Rorschach of turtles
Red-Bellied Short-Necked Turtle, just look at those colors!
Burmese Starred Tortoise, geometrically chic
Radiated Tortoise, also geometrically chic but maybe more art deco
Painted Terrapin, no need to send in the clowns
Leopard Tortoise, breaking the mold with a little art noveau
Bell’s Hingeback Tortoise, “You think box turtles got it on lockdown? Hold my noms and watch this!”
Impressed Tortoise, what it says on the tin
Cane Turtle, otherwise known as “Winner Of Turtle Death Glare Competition Since Forever”
Mata-Mata Turtle, the very definition of chaotic Neutral as a turtle
Spiny turtle, a very sharp and very dangerous boy
Cantor’s giant softshell turtle, a pancake with turtle pieces
Alligator snapping turtle, a real life honest dragon