Tag: Video


HEY FUCKOS WHO WANTS THEIR HEART RIPPED OUT OF THEIR CHEST AND HUGGED? Here is a fanvid to the Pentatonix version of “Hallelujah” because we weren’t feeling enough of, y’know, The Exquisite Ache Of Tenderness

also oh my godddddd i am a fancy professional fantasy author and Hugo-nominated podcaster, and that means Perfectionism!!!!!!! and that is why I wrestled for TEN HOURS with just the two seconds of smashcuts at 4:05. TEN HOURS!! They kept being just a tiny little bit off and I couldn’t unsee it, but I have vanquished it so godfuckingdammit give me your wahoos, give me all your wahoos.

The original thesis of this video was “*princess bride voice* every time they sang Hallelujah what they really meant was I love you”

Halle-fucking-lujah, babes

Ariaste does it again!







Oh my fucking GOD

this is the best thing I have ever seen with my own two eyes.

oh my gosh he’s gently play-biting them like they’re his own babies


This lion’s name is Bonedigger and he was born with a crippling bone disease, so the keepers introduced three dachshunds to give him companionship; Abby, Bullet and Milo.

They’re his pride now!

This is the only fucking thing I care about, do you hear me.