i fucking lost it when she opened the fridge
Tag: Video
My cat Bishop sits outside my door every morning once she hears the alarm clock go off.
The morning murps
Someone has waited HOURS to tell you all the gossip.
this is like the cat version of the professor clip of him going “hello!” every morning the same way
the void murps
sweet dreams ominously playing in the background really makes this
via @kesyacaat
too… too tiny….
Hi everyone. What better way to jump back in than with a message from the Parkland youth? Remember your first time? www.marchforourlives.com
these are the days i remember why i love the internet hahaha
in case u wanna see samuel l jackson’s response
This is the funniest thing I’ve seen in weeks. Literally, I’ve never been this funny in my entire goddamn life
a gem, this is a god damn gem