Tag: Video





this is the purest video you will see all day, it includes not only practical advice on how to make cats feel comfortable but also:

  • the most patient and long suffering clawdia
  • bob ross, but a vet 
  • squish the cat
  • squish the cat, but with a towel
  • absolute unit mr. pirate

  • a little chubby but quite beautiful

please watch this immediately

Squish! That! Cat!

I considered myself to be well versed on cats/communicating with cats. I’ve lived with at least two cats my whole life, and currently live with two very different cats who I love. Apparently most cats are shoulder cats? My cat Mason has always been very nervous about going up on people’s shoulders, so I thought I’d try the “shoulder cat” technique.

I had to help him up on my shoulders because he’s never done it himself before. But once I got him up there I squished him, he started purring like nobody’s business. I carried him around our entire apartment, up and down staircases, and he was so happy. He didn’t try to leave once! When I put him down he head butted me and meowed and was super affectionate. And of course I gave him a treat.

TLDR- Even if you live with cats and think you understand cats, please watch this video. 






I love this. There’s another one where they go to a wine tasting and give people a glass from a $20 bottle and they hate it, then a glass from a $200 bottle and they love it. But then they reveal that both glasses are actually from the same $20 bottle.

Wealth and it’s trappings is a false construct meant to elevate those that


This is just like that Penn and Teller “Bullshit” thing where they went to a high-class restaurant and had a “water steward” present different brands of bottled water to people, claiming this water was from a mountain somewhere or that water was from a glacier, and then the people would talk about how different they all tasted. Except all the water came from the same source: The garden hose outside the restaurant.


Never underestimate the power of marketing wank or the gullibility of rich people.