They made it into a ringtone because it was old enough to be public domain, and Nokia (I think?) didn’t want to have to pay royalties.
… I like the full version.
are you SHITTING ME. This is one of those posts that makes you question your worldview a little bit, tbh
okay, not quite. not quite. but the truth is better.
the original tune is not this. the original tune is, however, public domain, so they’re not wrong. it’s francisco tárrega’s gran vals – check 0:12.
but THIS, what he’s playing, is the Valse Irritation d’après Nokia, also known as the ringtone waltz, written by Marc-André Hamelin, who is a terrific canadian pianist and who wrote this as a snap reaction to having people’s fucking cellphones go off at concerts.
when i was a breeze i blew four dozen trees every morning to strengthen my gales and now that i’m grown i just raze them with ease, so i’m seven times bigger than wales!
I’m mad he really tried to hop across and go get it
Mag flies out
Pants fall down
That there was the longest, hardest string of critical 1 rolls I’ve ever seen occur in real lifes
I’m cackling
“alright, roll to confirm.”
“uh, roll again”
“one more t-”
“c’mon, you can’t really-”
“okay so on FINALLY rolling a seven, you drop the gun, OVER the counter, the magazine pops out when it hits the ground, and your pants fall down when you go to retrieve it. However, you can successfully kick the door open and flee the way you came.”