Tag: Wheat











Tmw you realize your lip balm has wheat in it.

Me with coconut oil :/

Which mainly serves to say for both of us: WTF makeup industry?


Okay I knew about wheat protein in eye make up but PEANUT?!


I’d really like to know why there’s gluten in shampoo. I don’t have celiac but I do end up with a ton of shampoo in my mouth.

Wheat protein is a common ingredient in a ton of cosmetics. In shampoos it can be part as a thickening component (you will find wheat or wheat by product in a lot of thickening and volume shampoos for this reason) but primarily it’s used in its
hydrolyzed form as

emulsifiers and stabilizers which make the products more shelf stable and effective.

It’s also one of the main ways vitamin E oil is manufactured, which a lot of folk don’t realize, including some doctors who will tell you to use vitamin E oil for your allergy related hives, only for you to later find out you’ve been slathering your allergy onto your allergy related hives. So that’s always fun.

This is me with sunscreen, unfortunately. I’m allergic to something in chemical sunscreen, and for years I had no idea.

A lot of makeup has sunscreen in it. Many times, they don’t tell you this. So here’s what I learned the (very) hard way: if makeup says it’s “anti-aging”? That’s code for “sunscreen”.

Wait hold up I respect everyone in this thread but nobody is going to question the fact someone in it said they end up with a lot of shampoo in their mouth?????

Not really *shrug*. There’s any multitude of reasons someone could end up with shampoo in their mouth, ranging from mobility issues to just plain sleep inertia and winding up with a mouthful of suds cause you yawned at the wrong moment lol.

Also @shofie-irl thank you for that heads up about the anti-aging creams. I developed a new allergy to chemical sunscreens last year that put me in the ER so that’s good to know!


So my grandmother and I went into town today to hit up the Walmart for corn meal. She warned me that a lot of brands mix a little wheat flour in, so we’d have to check the ingredients. Since Deacon doesn’t have any experience with corn meal, I figured I’d give him a little test and have him check the bags before we looked at the ingredients. He alerted to every bag on the shelf.

My grandmother thought this was the Best. Thing. Ever. She was so delighted to have him alert and then she’d look at the bag and say “yes! he’s right! check the next one!” (video is him checking the second to last one on the shelf). Because of this we gathered quite a crowd of spectators, one of which was a store employee, who ran a few aisles over and brought back a bag of gluten-free cornbread muffin mix for him to check. He said it was safe, at which point everyone watching collectively lost their shit. You would have thought we’d just won the Stanley cup. Strangers were hugging. It was unreal.

So afterward I held an impromptu Q&A session since none of them had ever seen a service dog before, and then a police officer who was watching told me all about the Malinois their force had, and even got choked up talking about the dog’s passing last year.

Since getting home, my grandmother has proudly told this story to every single person that called the house this afternoon (she’s a very popular lady), whether it be family members, quilting friends, or the preacher, one of which responded, delighted, that her daughter had already heard the story from her husband who was doing the grocery shopping that morning.

Small town life, ya’ll.