instead try; I love you *generic keysmash* h OW DA RE *lavish praise* *inside fandom joke* *quote fave part* *more generic keysmashing*
you. i like you
Also, the favorites: 1) DID I SAY YOU COULD HURT ME LIKE THIS?!?;?!; 2) DONT HURT MY BABY WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS 3) why must you hurt me this way 4) WHY IS THIS A CLIFFHANGER?! WHAT HAPPENS NEXT I NEED TO KNOW 5) This made me cry/squeal/giggle/wake the dead with my laughter 6) I almost woke my family laughing at ___ part 7) I DIDNT KNOW I NEEDED THIS AU UNTIL YOU POSTED THIS 8) this is so cute I’m dying 9) and (writer’s name) strikes again! 10) I had to reread this bc it’s so good and I love it 11) I wish I could like/heart/kudos this more than once Like, seriously guys, freak out with us and you’ll have us wrapped around your little fingers.
This is so true! A lot of the time, I get stuck in a writer’s hole. But whenever I get a comment like the above ones, it makes me want to write more!
All good suggestions! Another to add to the list: don’t insult as a joke.
Even if you’re only ironically saying something like “i hate you” when you in fact loved the fic… we still just read it as “i hate you”. Getting a notif of a comment always gives writers a little thrill, and then seeing something like that in the actual comment… doesn’t feel very good. Remember, the digital medium is not good for getting sarcasm across!
Apart from that, any sincere comment, no matter how brief or jumbled or nonsensical, is always going to make a writer’s day.
Thx for comments suggestions I always get stuck when I want to comment but idk what to write and i just give kudos
Honest to God, I love when people quote my fic to me or leave detailed reviews or scream wildly, but “I really enjoyed this” = A+ comment, will make my day and leave me doing a face somewhere between these three emoticons: ☺️😁😍
Of course writers enjoy detailed, thoughtful, enthusiastic feedback, but what we mostly love is knowing someone read something we wrote and was moved to leave a short comment (that wasn’t “please update” – please update is fine as part of a comment, but on its own it’s kind of dispiriting). I seriously cannot overstate how much even a short little “OMG LOVE” or “I enjoyed this!” or “This made me laugh/smile/cry!” or “This was really good/funny/hot/sad!” means. You don’t have to write Pulitzer prize winning prose to make a writer’s day. Trust me on this!
(And even a like or a kudos is so much better than nothing.)
Writing can be lonely, and fanwriters don’t have Amazon for reviews or get paid. Reviews mean the world to us.
Yes, I am going to continually reblog this. No, I’m not sorry.