





Is there, like, any good way to tell someone that you like them?

“Natalie you have two partners already don’t you know how to flirt and stuff?”  Hell no, those were accidents!  Me and my spouse were both drunk around a bonfire when we met and a couple years later our boyfriend just sorta….showed up.  Accidents.  Flukes.

I suspect that grabbing an unsuspecting Trotskyite by the shoulders and telling him “Listen, I want you to raw me in the back of this infoshop” would be, as they say, in poor form, unbecoming of a lady.

This sounds fake. This is the only way I got a husband. By straight up telling him “Yes your butt is hot and your shoulders are Nice I would like to ravish you please and thank you.” 

…perhaps a nice “We should like, get dinner together or some shit. On like a date?” would work?

…I asked if I could send a risque pic of a new piercing as an indication of interest. Was that not what I was supposed to do?

I mean, that’s how I thought it worked.