Tag: Relationships




this is good

I’d just like to add, see how they behave when they’re angry/frustrated/exhausted, and if you see something that concerns you, wait until they’re calm, and then talk to them about it.

My husband used to yell when he got frustrated, but after I explained to him that I found it upsetting, he stopped yelling and started consciously working on asking for help before he got to that level of frustration.

When I’m upset over something, or just in a bad mood, I tend to withdraw. My husband explained to me that it makes him feel like I’m mad at him, so now when I need some space, I’ll tell him what I’m upset about, or that I’m in a bad mood for no particular reason, and I need to be alone for a little while.

See your friends and partners at their worst, but don’t assume that their worst is immutable. If someone loves and cares about you, they’ll try to accommodate you to the best of their ability.

This is the best advice I’ve ever seen on this site, and it is so important. Communication is everything, and is 80% of the reason my husband and I have such a healthy, strong, and supportive relationship.







Is there, like, any good way to tell someone that you like them?

“Natalie you have two partners already don’t you know how to flirt and stuff?”  Hell no, those were accidents!  Me and my spouse were both drunk around a bonfire when we met and a couple years later our boyfriend just sorta….showed up.  Accidents.  Flukes.

I suspect that grabbing an unsuspecting Trotskyite by the shoulders and telling him “Listen, I want you to raw me in the back of this infoshop” would be, as they say, in poor form, unbecoming of a lady.

This sounds fake. This is the only way I got a husband. By straight up telling him “Yes your butt is hot and your shoulders are Nice I would like to ravish you please and thank you.” 

…perhaps a nice “We should like, get dinner together or some shit. On like a date?” would work?

…I asked if I could send a risque pic of a new piercing as an indication of interest. Was that not what I was supposed to do?

I mean, that’s how I thought it worked. 


you’ve probably seen posts telling you that it’s okay not to have sex if you don’t want to, that you’re never obligated to perform sexual acts if you’re uncomfortable with it

and that’s great, I’ll repeat that a thousand times, but I would just like to add that you also don’t have to sext if you don’t want to. you don’t have to send nudes if you don’t want to. you don’t have to do anything sexual if you don’t feel like it or it makes you uncomfortable, even if it’s “just” digital. 

if somebody tells you they “need” it, they’re an asshole. you don’t owe anybody anything sexual, not even if they’re your partner. you don’t have to send them anything to make them like you or keep them interested, because someone who cares more about sex than about your comfort isn’t somebody you need in your life. sex is just a want, but consent is a need.

you don’t have to sext.

you don’t have to take nudes.

you don’t have to do anything to please somebody else if you don’t want to.