










The sheer number of people mistaking me for @systlin in my inbox at the moment is astounding so let me make it easier for some of you.

@systlin : plant witch who raises bees and has a whole host of other terrifyingly awesome skills

me: the witch who is allergic to all nature and cannot go outside because even though I don’t believe in gods, the bastards still have a sick sense of humor.

Further Differences:


  • Lives in Iowa, right next to America’s Angriest River
  • Is like. seven feet tall and totally jacked
  • Has four (maybe more?) cats
  • Loving and devout relationship with the Norse Pantheon
  • Once accepted a republican congressman’s challenge to a duel but he turned out to be a yellow-bellied weenie
  • Horny On Main for the cast of American Gods


  • Lives in Minnesota, on a much chiller branch of the Same River
  • Is an actual hobbit. I could carry her around in a backpack like Yoda.
  • Has adorable goldendoodle visit sometimes
  • Has an Antagonistic relationship with the Supernatural Entity that is Her House
  • Would personally fight the British Monarchy
  • Horny On Main for Discworld Relationships.


I keep mistaking vaspider for systlin

Ok but:

  • I live by a river that non-locals always mispronounce, the Schuylkill
  • Am fully average in height, not at all jacked
  • Have 3 dogs, which are like cats but also not
  • Extremely Jewish, but will cut a bitch over white supremacists in Asatru bc that’s my ancestry
  • I am not the person in my family who has been challenged to an actual duel – that would be @dadhoc
  • Horny On Main for Battlestar Galactica

See? Very different.

Did they accept the duel challenge? :O 

Me; Not Jewish

@vaspider; Very Jewish, also runs a very excellent store selling dope-ass Queer Stuff

@gallusrostromegalus I’M ONLY 5′ 8″ YOU ARE THINKING OF MY 6′ 5″ BROTHER

Which one(s) of you all have the terrifying rose? @systlin, right?

Both of us actually, but mines is called Demon Rose cause unlike Systlin who manages to somewhat contain hers, mine has taken over that side of the house.

Everything about this thread is golden

It knows full well I have a machete and armor  and will use them if it crosses me

Excerpt from the non-existent book, How to Identify Your Internet Cryptid.