Fighting anxiety


I have been dealing with a certain degree of anxiety disorder for a while now. I have some tips on fighting it. Of course I’m no professional and professional help comes first. These tips come from my own experience:

🌼 Professional help

  • Therapy -I will continue praising therapy til’ the day I die and yet it doesn’t have to be for everyone. Just remember it’s a very good and healthy option of coping.
  • Medications -Doctor can prescribe these if they think it’s needed. I’ve expressed my slightly negative stance to pills before but I am big believer that if you need help, modern medicine is a way to go.

🌼 Right here, right now 

  • Focus on now -It’s very common for people with anxiety to worry about the past or the future. Try to look around instead. Be like a child, fascinated by every little thing.
  • Take your focus elsewhere -I’m not saying you should avoid your feelings all the time but sometimes you just need to overcome the anxiety and keep pushing through whatever life threw at you. Try to force your brain to work on something else. My personal method is looking around and naming things I see in german. German is a third language for me and I am not very good at it, therefore it takes my brain a lot of work. Entschuldigung meine deutschen Freunde.

🌼 Be gentle with yourself

  • Imagine you’re calming down a friend -Be nice to yourself just as you would be to a panicking friend. Talk to yourself gently, argue against the anxiety.
  • Comfort -Find things that calm you down and feel generally comforting. For me it’s some TV show, music or a book I like to come back to. Some people like to create or move around. I’m more comfortable creating stuff when I feel good but that’s just my personal way of things.
  • You don’t always have to producitve -Don’t push yourself too hard, okay?
  • Try things out -Let’s say a task that needs to be done in the future stresses you out real bad. Try not thinking about what’s going to happen or what will you have to do. Just sit down and do it. Just for 5 minutes. Or 2 minutes. That’s very little, isn’t it? In that time you’ll either get to work successfully or you can leave very quickly.

🌼 Talk about it

  • Talk to your friends and family –Let them know what’s happening. Most of my friends who arent’s so close to me still think I am the calmest person ever. They believe nothing scares me or stresses me out, even tho I am unbelievably anxious about almost everything. Let your loved ones know what’s wrong, they may not see it themselves.
  • Let them give opinions -If something gives you strong anxiety, present the problem to someone. They may talk you out of being so stressed about an issue that doesn’t necessarily have to be there.

I hope I helped and have an amazing May.