




there’s a sleep “disorder” that is literally just “your circadian rhythm is inconvenient for school/work” and people with it have to take meds to make themselves sleepy earlier/later 

otherwise there’s absolutely nothing wrong with their quality/amount of sleep they just don’t have a schedule that works for society

shout out to second shifters – i traded prime time for good sleep

It’s even got disorder in the name: delayed sleep phase disorder. And yes, if you have to have a “normal” schedule, it makes your life hell.

Oh, and it can run in families. Thanks Dad. 🙄

So many disabilities are disabling not because they’re inherently impairing, but because society just doesn’t make room for us

ADHD throws your circadian rhythm off, too. Most people with ADHD have a natural circadian rhythm that makes us tired from, generally, about 4am to noon – myself included. When I’m left to my own devices, those are basically the exact times I will naturally fall asleep and wake up. 

“Why do kids with ADHD have so much trouble in school? Why do adults with ADHD have so much trouble keeping decent 9-5 jobs?” Well, gee, maybe because it’s hard to get any work done when our bodies are literally programmed to be asleep. How well would you perform if you had to wake up at the equivalent of 2am to go to school or work? Not well? Then imagine how it feels for us, every single day of our lives.

There’s a lot about ADHD which I hate and wish would go away, but this part? See above. Our circadian rhythm is only disabling to us because society refuses to make room for us.