not finishing 100% of your personal projects or commitments is totally normal! please don’t let it discourage you from pursuing new ones! there are a dozen projects over the years I’ve committed to and almost immediately abandoned. i get embarrassed sometimes when I remember specific ones, but eventually you got to say fork it and move on
literally no creator, however successful or prolific or famous, has completed all or even a majority of the works they conceived. they all have notebooks of dozens, hundreds of ideas and concepts 90% of which will never see the light of day. and that’s okay!
the projects we don’t finish give us practice. and more practice leads to more and higher quality finished products. The act of creating is never a waste of time.
ok, child drawings in the attic and unmarked gravestone berried grave shed thats locked for no reason, and can’t be opened (i’ve tried) uhhh footsteps when i’m home alone stuff falling down from the fireplace innards turning up on doorsteps cellar flooding for no dam reason lights flickering i’ll think i hear a parent callin my name when they don’t cat just starin at shi t my old cat just disappeared one day. cemitary over the road, and a old kennel surrounded by woods but some got cut down recently don’t know why a safe turned up in our driveway? like a month ago, the day after the trees got cut down as in a big metal one oh, also screams at night, 90% sure they are foxes tho 95% house is where a angalo saxon monastery use to be like 600 or so years ago at 2? houses ago, so not the house i use to live in, but the house before that there was a ruined house in the woods and one night, all the windows were smashed we don’t know why there was a house there In my last house, i always felt like something was watching me in the anex, it creeped me the fuck out, i always had to run after i turned of the lights and i went upstairs twice to find a bat in my room just chillin
ok everyone share their creepy house stories, go
Before I became a witch and told things to be polite or gtfo:
I’d see shadowy people in the bathroom mirror as I turned away, and siting by my sewing machine as I left the room.
I’d hear people walking around above me at night (I sleep on the top floor)
I’d hear my door slam while I was looking straight at it
My (very sweet) black dog would just randomly bark, something he never does elsewhere unless he has a reason
He also sometimes would sit and stare out the window, growling at nothing
My sister had a guitar teacher when she was little who would always arrive just as we were starting dinner , even though the tunes we started ranged from 5:30ish-8:00ish and we never told him when we were eating
There was a period of time when cats would just randomly show up in our yard and sit and stare at us
My mom has a metal fairy silhouette thing in the garden, it’s always getting bent or scratched
We have these little stone animals (a rabbit, a frog, and a family of owls) that are always falling, losing limbs, or getting buried for a series of days beforse being completely fine again
Not nearly as spooky or weird as the other persons, but I figured id share
Back at my parents house everyone always felt uneasy and like theyre being watched
There was a man/figure that i kept seeing (never saw him or anything else anywhere else), he used to watch me sleep so I would always hide in my mom’s room until i was ~12
When i stopped sleeping in her room i started waking up with burns and scratches (some scars). They seemed to say something cause there was repeating patterns that looked like letters but i never figured out what they said
My hair would keep moving, one day i heard someone yell in my ear and my hair (which was super long at the time) FLIPPED over my head to the other side
We moved to a new place and when we got there our dogs wouldnt stop barking at this one wall, and when they didnt bark they cried, so we got them out of there as soon as we could
#tbt that time two brothers bought their own planes, learnt to fly them and disguised them as soviet planes so they wouldn’t be questioned and then flew into east germany to rescue their third brother from a park and recorded the entire operation and got away with it
no but legit this is one of my favourite stories from the 20th century it just sums up human ingenuity and how walls just don’t fucking work when people will do anything to cross them
the first brother and a friend paddled over the Elbe on inflatable mattresses in the middle of the night to escape the east. they got picked up by a Wessi police officer, who said something like “bit cold for swimming, ey boys?” and the brother says “not when you’re trying to leave the East.” because all East Germans were automatically citizens of the West too, they were taken into town and established themselves there.
the second brother scoped out a particularly dark stretch of the wall. He escaped over it to the west by getting into a high building and shooting an arrow with a steel cable attached over to another building in the west. He then ziplined over. In response to his escape, the Stasi and the Wall designers built another guard tower in the middle of the stretch so no one else could pull the same stunt.
the two brothers met up and heard that their who was still in East Germany also wanted out. So, they learnt to fly planes and disguised them as soviet planes. This was so, if the border guards saw them, they wouldn’t fire on them – they’d have to ring up the Kremlin and ascertain whether they were actual soviet planes on an organised fly-by. they flew into East Germany at dawn (recording it all on camera because you’ve got to do it for the vine even before vine exists), landed in a park where their brother was hiding in the bushes, loaded him onto one of the planes and flew out of East Germany, laughing all the way.
other great moments include – the guy who broke out of the GDR by driving a very low-slung sportscar under a barrier, the family who built two hot air balloons with their bare hands, the guy who managed to windsurf out of East Germany, the man who stole a tank (my hero), the people who removed the petrol tanks from cars so people could squeeze into the gap where the tank should have been, and of course, one of the most famous photos of the 20th century, with Eastern border guard, conrad schumann noping the fuck out of there when he was meant to be on duty guarding the wall when it was under construction in 1961
ok but my favorite defector stories involve engineers, because engineers are insane
Eugeniusz Pieniazek, aircraft designer who decided to escape communist Poland by building an airplane in his living room, and lowering it out the window
Bernd Boettger, an engineer, escaped East Germany by riding a fucking torpedo across the sea
and even when these assholes screwed up they didn’t tend to stay in jail, cause communist regimes just couldn’t afford to keep locking up their engineers. engineers are special kinds of nutjobs
for those wondering what sensory processing disorders are like, your nervous system suddenly decides ‘hey! Fuck you!’ for no apparent. Like living with a loud maniac for a roommate. You’re just trying to cook dinner when suddenly the bastard bursts in and jumps on you, yelling about throwing a party, and he’s already playing his shitty loud music and dammit his obnoxious shitty friends are here and jumping on the furniture and the walls are shaking and you have the worst roommate ever you just wanted a quiet night in with your Mac n cheese
Anyway that’s what autistic people have to live with, so please remember to empathize with us next time you see an article mention how ‘difficult’ autistic people are to be around.
Buddy, we’re having a much more difficult time. You don’t have to live with a shithead roommate probably named Chad whose life mission is to fuck with you. We have to live with Chad, who is the worst. Just keep that in mind
People talk about ‘acting like you own the place’ but one thing I find useful when I’m anxious in a new place is pretending that it’s familiar to me. Pretending like I’ve been there before and acting like I’m remembering it.
And really every new place becomes just a place you’ve already been, eventually. We’re only nervous because we’re stuck viewing it from the wrong side of time.
the fact that we as a species are constantly assaulted by pain death and/or fear and yet we continue to survive in an existence designed to kill us is baffling. humans are insanely adaptable and stubborn as hell and when it comes right down to it that’s the only reason we made it past the ice age, and that my friends is the tea
Those are the beady eyes of the old Gods, furious and curious, stranded too far away to interfere with human matters, yet watching all the same. They can do nothing with their knowledge, still they look on and watch and judge, from what else are unblinking eyes to do.
When you look up, do so boldly! for no matter how small they claim you are, they have no power to touch you or the worlds you build.
Stop. Normaling. Bath Bombs. they’re training people not to recognize the inherent dangers of magical vortexes
thousands of years of evolutionary instincts gone just like that. you dumbasses are gonna stick your feet in the first glowing portal you stumble across and get kidnapped by the fucking fae
you say this like most people on this website wouldn’t want exactly that to happen, myself included
update: I knew this post would be popular when I wrote it, and that still didn’t stop me from misspelling the first damn sentence
You haven’t fixed it.
I fixed it 10 minutes after posting and people still manage to reblog this version half the time
It’s natures fault too like have you seen lava pools I want to stick my whole body in there