holy fuck is right… but… does it work with legs???
yes !!
but how much extend
finally. i can be accurate
This is too fucking great to not reblog
I give it MASCLES
Okay but for anyone who legit wants to know how to calculate it correctly:
The elbow joint on average rests a couple inches higher than the navel, so if you measure how long the distance is from the middle of the shoulder to that point then you have the length of the upper and fore arms!
So if anyone’s wondering about legs too, the simplest rule of thumb is that the length from the top of the leg to the knee is equal to the distance between the top of the leg and the bottom of the pectorals:
And I wanna stress that when i say “top of the leg” i’m not talking about the crotch (please don’t flag me tumblr it’s an anatomical term) i’m talking about the point where the femur connects to the pelvis, which is higher up on the hips:
It’s easier to see what I’m talking about in this photo of a man squatting:
So yeah if you use that measurement when using this technique you should get fairly realistically proportioned legs:
But remember! messing with proportions is an important and fun part of character design! Know the rules first so you can then break them however you please!
hey guys! here’s some fun things i learned from this article about Dion Diamond:
he did these sit-ins by himself. like idk about you, but i always thought of sit-ins as organized by groups, what kind of bravery does it take, man
he didn’t tell anyone about it, like he was no glory-seeker about this. his parents didn’t even know until reporters started calling them up like “hey, did you know your son is in jail?
when someone called the cops he’d skedaddle out the back door although he was sent to prison multiple times
the last time he got arrested was in Baton Rouge, and the cops were so sick of him that they told inmates they’d put in a good word for anyone who gave Diamond a hard time. (the inmates didn’t take the bait.)
he’s still alive!
hark, a hero of our times!
Fuck every last one of those white people around Dion Diamond. Fuck them straight into the deepest pits of Hell.
While watching this gif, I noticed that his glasses disappear from his hand, which means they’re also made of nanotech. But like if it’s nanotech then it could’ve just been absorbed while the helmet was forming on his face, which means that Tony was just That Dramatic Motherfucker that just couldn’t resist taking off the glasses like a badass for his suit reveal
I never noticed this hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Production: so the glasses will be absorbed by the helmet and–
RDJ: i wanna take them off
Production: oh, but it’s nanotech you don’t need to–
This is it… this is the height of what memes and memetic culture can do and the purpose they can serve, and why it’s so important to have this freedom of expression and exchange. Protest, reference, the instant connection of ideas, heavy weighted messages conveyed by the simplest of means. This image speaks volumes about the state of internet politics right now, and it does so by omitting the most important and recognizable part of itself.
Also, look at the quality here and the effort the artist put into making Truth’s erasure so disturbingly seamless.
memes on the early 2000’s: funny images!!!! with bright colors!!!! and relatable jokes written in impact!!!!
memes now: ok but what if we painstakingly reconstruct the background of a 19th century painting just to criticize a hellhole of a website?
Back in the 1930’s, Germany was all about racing and setting records. Auto Union and Mercedes-Benz were so much faster than everyone else that it had just really become a competition between themselves – and besides just Grand Prix racing, they loved to do world record attempts.
On public roads.
Yep, on the Autobahn.
In 1938, Auto Union and Mercedes got together to fuck with the land speed record – because fuck you, that’s why – and Rudolf Caracciola managed 268 mph on the Autobahn (the A5). Bernd Rosemeyer was killed trying the same for Auto Union as a result of a crosswind.
Already in development though, was the Mercedes-Benz T80 (which the great Dr. Ferdinand Porsche was brought on board to work on!).
And hold shit christ fuck balls.
To start off, they used a specially modified derivative of the famous Mercedes-Benz inverted V12 used in the BF 109 – however instead of the 1350 horsepower available from the aircraft derivative (in 1939 F form) it made 3000 horsepower. Yes, 3000. There were still no seat belts. Fuck you, that’s why.
The power increases came from a mixture of a special fuel, capacity increase over the DB 601 in the fighter, and methanol-water injection.
But not only is the engine impressive – the chassis is a 6-wheeled, middled engined and four wheel drive! The drum brakes on all 6 wheels are enormous – and the chassis uses oval tubes like on the W125 Grand Prix car, which was very advanced for it’s time.
Even more advanced were the aerodynamics – with a drag coefficient of just 0.18 – which is even lower than any of the famous Alfa Romeo BAT cars, and astounding for 1939 (though another Mercedes-Benz test car of the same era apparently managed a Cd of less than .15) – which allowed it’s top speed to be somewhere in the neighbourhood of 470 miles per hour. Yes, 470 miles an hour. In a car with drum brakes and no seat belts. On a public road (between Halle and Leipzig, now the A9).
Everyone needs to see this German badassery because engineering that’s why.
Lichtenstein be like “they’re invading, but whatever.”
But how do you “accidentally” invade a country?
On 5 December 1985, rockets fired by the Swiss Army landed in Liechtenstein, causing a forest fire. Compensation was paid.
On 13 October 1992, following written orders, Swiss Army cadets unknowingly crossed the border and went to Triesenberg to set up an observation post. Swiss commanders had overlooked the fact that Triesenberg was not on Swiss territory. Switzerland apologized to Liechtenstein for the incident.
In March 2007, a company of 171 Swiss soldiers mistakenly entered Liechtenstein, after taking a wrong turn in the darkness. The troops returned to Swiss territory before they had travelled more than 2 km into the country. The Liechtenstein authorities did not discover the “invaders”, and were informed by the Swiss after the incident. The incident was disregarded by both sides. A Liechtenstein spokesman said “It’s not like they invaded with attack helicopters”
how do you even tell your superior officer I mean “uh Sir… I’m sorry but I think… we’re not in Switzerland anymore” “what are you trying to say cadet” “Sir I think we invaded Liechtenstein.” “…goddamn it, not again.”
And remember the time when the army of Liechtenstein went to war with 80 people and returned home with 81 because they made a friend?