As someone who does ceramics, that twisted, broken up fork would make an excellent tool for slipping and scoring, or maybe even just texturing. It would make a super cute bug print, or make easy, perfectly spaced lines at a farther difference than a typical fork. It can be used for creating, rather than just feeding some giant machine. Just because it wouldn’t be particularly good at being used as it is expected to be used, which is not to say that a creative person couldn’t find a way to make it work, does not make it useless. In the right hands, even the most seemingly “useless” object can be functional, or even groundbreaking in the right hands.
Also, people aren’t objects, and you dont need to be able to “use” them in order for them to exist.
Me: *at the grocery store, heading through the bakery toward the donuts because I really shouldn’t but damn it I’m an adult and I want a goddamn donut*