We should be more pro-active or we’ll see more of such sad fates of honest people.
And the utterly ironic thing is I’ve seen repeated tumblr posts of that iconic photo absolutely slagging the shit out of Peter Norman as “lol white guy so uncomfortable” “Why the fuck isn’t he supporting them”, etc etc.
As an Australian this post surprised me. I knew none of the above.
this is to educate my non-American followers. This really is how the US sees itself. (and yes, 95% of the time, Florida = WHAT?!)
In Florida the more North you go, the more “South” you get
In Florida the central part pretends to be the south, the western part pretends to be the northeast and the south pretends to be the west I’m not even kidding you
… Please tell me you guys are kidding.
Florida is like it’s own country I swear
I’m from Florida and I can confirm this. Also, South Florida is basically Miami and alligators.
oh, i always assumed florida was part of The South?
north florida is yes. The rest is not.
I’m from Florida, and grew up in SC/NC. Can confirm all true. 👍
Um. This is so wrong.
You’re forgetting the part where California sees itself as its own entity.
We do not want to be grouped in with everyone else, thanks.
clearly none of you have ever met someone from texas
That last one is so true
I think what most people don’t consider is that the geographical labels we’ve put on different parts of America are a reflection of its history.
America, in its modern incarnation, formed over the course of nearly two centuries. The names given to the various regions of the country were often used without regard to the future cartographic accuracy of those titles.
As an example, a big part of the reason the south is called the south, has to do with the American Civil War. When the war happened, the south as we know it, was “The South”. Every other state that is literally on the southern side of the country – New Mexico, Arizona, California – weren’t part of the country until years later, so they were never included as part of that region.
This is south west erasure
Ah yes, the American South West. The Australia of the Northern Hemisphere.
hecc america is a chaotic entity and i hate that i am part of this