i am having the time of my life on this website. i’m just dangling from the monkey bars, careening on the swings, the whole playground’s burning and i’m just playing in the sand
i have very long arms
While also on the swings too let’s not forget that
Oh shit how could I forget
I have to use my phone now but I must amend my mistake
All better
Fuck wait it’s also on fire
There we go
and here we see our gaud in its not so natural habitat having the time of its life
Idk why, but I originally inagined the whole scene during nightime, You’re walking down the street, right around the corner, and ist dark and most things are hard to see, but that hard to miss, because there is this pink blob, playing around, and the whole thing is on fire, and its dangling around, like weird, pink, Lovecraftian spagetti,
These are great items because they’re fun for the herbivores to each, the carnivores to tear apart, and everybody to roll and throw around. They’re tactile, olfactory, and edible enrichment all in one!
I believe they’re acceptable on-exhibit enrichment for naturalistic facilities like Brookfield in Chicago, too.
I think of this time of year as Tumblr’s Annual Pumpkining of the Animals Post.
The bat though!
This is the best thing!
Our local pumpkin farm gives any unsold pumpkins to the zoo!
Guide to Figuring out the Age of an Undated World Map.
No but take the time to actually read it because I lost like 15 minutes.
I have a friend who is really good at this type of thing. He once found an old globe at a garage sale and he was able to pin the date of it’s making down to like a 6 month window, because it only would’ve been correct during a specific point in WWII.
I was mad impressed, because I have no mind for geography. I can barely remember my own state’s capitol.
This is amazing. Take the time to actually read it.
Holy shit the super specific things towards the end
Americans, this is why it is SO IMPORTANT that you vote in the upcoming November election.
“Sorry lil Jimmy we can’t let you be fostered by this loving family because they’re Jewish. Stay put and keep attending our mandatory Bible study while we rake in more money until we can find a proper Christian family.”
Does this mean that Jewish kids who end up in foster care couldn’t be placed in Jewish homes? (Or Muslim or Catholic kids in Muslim or Catholic homes, etc.)
If the private foster agency in question takes them from the public system and places them in a group home, yes. And for all we know, those are exactly the kids they’re after, the young non-Protestant ones who they want to convert.
The first “religious freedom” lawsuits were never about baking cakes, they were about laying a foundation.
NASA created retro travel posters for different locations in our solar system in hopes of inspiring young people to imagine a future where common space travel is a possibility.