“Captain Marvel should smile more” “she looks so serious all the time” “she should smile more” “she’ll look better with a smile”
My God, did some clueless asshole actually say that?
This is hilarious
ok but you don’t even know – the original twitter thread this comes from is FUCKIN WILD
So some rando dude put Brie Larson’s picture into Facetune to make her smile, because apparently she’s not making enough boners happy, and he wanted to “fix her”. this lady has just had it up to HERE with shitty dudes saying this bullshit, so she took Thanos’ creepy-ass grin and photoshopped it onto a bunch of pictures
USB Ports: My phone never dies now and it doesn’t even noticeably drain my battery
Seat Warmers: just some cheap usb heating pads i got off ebay. because i’m not moving, i get cold really easily. this keeps me nice and toasty
Cane Holder: just a piece of pvc pipe i zip tied to my chair and some velcro to stop it rattling
Side Bag: this is made for a pram but its sooooo useful! the big pocket has three sections which can hold drinks, phones, whatever, and the little pocket unzips and i keep loose change in it
Legrest Holder: This bit of velcro holds my leg rests out of the way so i can get closer to a table. i normally sit cross-legged when im not moving. Also i coated the legs in rubber paint. i bang into things a lot and also its purple and pretty
Umbrella Holder: this is where my umbrella sits when i’m not using it -and- Drink Holder: This holds my drink bottle. its also made for prams but its great to have easy access to water. -and-
Bag Holder: Also from the pram section, i have these little clips on my handles that hold plastic bags. i can carry a whole cart worth of shopping on these
Umbrella Stand: this is a microphone stand, velcro and zip ties. it all folds away neatly but it will (hopefully) keep me dry without costing me my only free hand
Feel free to reply or message me if you are looking at modifying your chair and want some tips!
This is awesome! I feel like a lot of this stuff should just… come with the chair, though. Or there should at least be options you can buy [like the pram (aka stroller for us Yanks) stuff] instead of having to Macgyver an umbrella stand yourself.
These things should absolutely come as part of the chair. Design for disability is some of the most stagnant design i have ever seen. Its something that needs to change, but until it does, i’m gonna keep making my own mods