Bill Nye for most of his career: Imma do science for kids. Science without politics. Nice, tame science for the kiddos.
Bill Nye now:
He is still teaching science without politics tho, problem is that the far right has declared all science as a political statement
What we are seeing is the idea of “science” and “knowledge” been put as political statements cause the rock bed of conservatives depends on people being ignorant and in order to achieve that they have to make it seem like all science is by nature “political”
It’s the South Park effect, were ignorance is labeled as the “true center” while knowledge and education are labeled “SJW propaganda”
I hate how one of our biggest political problems is a concept called the fucking south park effect.
treat them with respect but be wary of any offers of food
what, you thought it was a coincidence ace culture is based on cake and puns? how foolish.
you know who else likes wordplay and tempting foods?
Well, I guess you baker beware of all these cookies I made today. Looks like they’re going to go to waist whether you eat them or not. At yeast I’ll have them all to myself now…
#fun fact when you can only see the top of the pink letters it looks like it says enbies
Okay this is amazing and all, but this also went from “a-spec people” to just “ace culture” really quick
good point! I’m aro, but while I associated ace culture w/ things like cake, dragons, puns etc, I don’t have many associations for aro culture! we just don’t talk about it enough. let’s fix that!
Green gemstones like malachite, emerald, serpentine
Discount chocolate after Valentine’s day
Also dragons
Other aro-specs add on.
where’s the thing that says “I did not agree to this picture of me pls delete it”
I was seriously thinking just the other day about how many of my relationships were “I have to convince myself I’m in love with you because I’m terrified of making anyone angry or sad and so I’m utterly screwed here” and how I should write something about this
I literally. Told someone I was in love with him once. Because he had just said he was in love with me, and I’d said apologetically that I didn’t feel the same, and he was SAD.
So, being aro and not knowing it and having absolutely zero idea what being in love meant or felt like, I searched within myself to see if perhaps I could find some seed of liking him more than as a friend, that might be nurtured into love. And I convinced myself that I loved him enough to say that actually I DID love him. And WE DATED FOR NINE MONTHS AND EVEN MOVED IN TOGETHER. WHY GOD WHY
lmao i lost at least 7 followers after reblogging that…. anyway if you exclude nonbinary people you’re ignoring the white stripe of the trans flag; aces and aros are not straight and thus lgbt+ because theyre literally not attracted to the opposite sex, trans women are real women, and physical dysphoria is not required to be considered trans
me watching the terfs, aphobes and transmeds disappear from my follower count
i don’t think i’ve seen any kind of tumblr analysis that so far does justice to the face journey crowley goes through when he first meets aziraphale and finds out about the sword.
for context’s sake, this is how he reacts when he finds out aziraphale’s got rid of his own sword:
see that? that’s surprise, that’s unexpectedly-impressed, that’s holy-shit-this-is-an-angel-fucking-up-this-delights me. this is is this a rebellion? can angels rebel? i love it, five minutes on this strange green-and-blue rock and i’ve already found a playmate.
then compare with this, which is crowley hearing aziraphale explain why he ‘rebelled’ by giving away said sword: to whit, freezing cold, dangerous animals, pregnant woman:
that’s…dare i say it, tender? soft? certainly no less surprised but unexplicably, unexpectedly, touched. you can almost see the little flinch he experiences from that not-so-subtle heartflip that has just occurred. oh. oh. he didn’t lose his sword because he’s a brainless angel, or because he wanted to cause some trouble or stick it to the almighty he was just…being nice.
like, whatever reason the forces of hell had for rebelling, they sure as hell didn’t do it for nice reasons. i’m pretty certain, judging by the hell we see onscreen, that compassion features pretty heavily Down There. (nor, judging by the likes of gabriel or sandalphon, can i imagine angels are exactly known for their compassion amongst their demonic counterparts). crowley has come to earth expecting exactly 0% heartstrings-pulling, and then within the first half hour he meets this fluffy soft boi who smiles rather shyly even when he’s not supposed to and is painfully loyal to his boss even when he doesn’t understand Her ways and then does something daft like that, like giving away a heavenly flaming sword to a human for no other reason other than it’s a kind thing to do
and he’s an angel, they’re not supposed to do the wrong thing for the right reason, they’re sticklers, and yet look at what he’s just done…
and the next thing you know, crowley’s falling harder and faster than the day lucifer and the guys rocked up and asked ‘hey crawley, you up to anything today?’. and that is glorious.
also while we’re talking about the unacceptable face journeys of one anthony j. crowley, can we talk about his reaction to aziraphale reiterating that heaven will win the final battle
he’s touched.
a little sad, maybe, but ultimately touched. not mocking, like oh you really believe so do you, you naive angel? not angry, like you think you’re so much better than me, do you? not defiant, like we’ll just see about that, won’t we. when aziraphale announces that ‘good’ is going to triumph over evil, crowley’s first response is to think ‘aww. that’s kinda nice. my idealistic angel’s so cute’.
one thing i wish people would talk about a bit more is what aziraphale brings to the table in this relationship, which is a gentle-hearted, slightly naive but ultimately sweet sense of optimism. crowley’s pretty cynical about everything. he’s certainly lost faith in both heaven and hell – to a certain extent he’s even lost faith in humanity, because he knows that when you give humans an inch they take a mile and when you give them free will and a bunch of machine guns they shoot each other with the machine guns. but aziraphale is soft and sweet and genuinely tries to believe the best in things, and crowley just thinks that’s so damn adorable.
of course he then points out that even if heaven does win it’ll be an eternity of teetotalism and the sound of music but c’mon it’s crowley, he wouldn’t be crowley if he wasn’t encouraging aziraphale to think outside the box a little
Am I the only person who thought this was really fucking funny
A lot of the really funny moments in Lord of the Rings come from Tolkien playing with language like this, where we have relatively formal, archaic, “high” language responded to with informal, modern, “low” language.
another hilarious example:
my absolute favorite example of tolkien switching registers in this way is