a minimum of 40-60 girls were dress coded at my school this morning, but not even ONE male was. a percentage of those girls weren’t able to have a change of clothes delivered to them by a parent and were forced to miss a number of final exams. no one at our school has ever been particularly fond of the dress code, however this is taking it too far. if you’ve successfully fought/know someone who successfully fought against dress code please help us by informing us on how to go about ridding our school of this sexist code. honestly, calling a student a skank???? NOT OKAY. we live in Southern California, and right now our weather averages about 100°F (roughly 38°C) and girls are expected to wear long pants. girls were FORCED to miss FINAL EXAMS just because what they were wearing was deemed “distracting”. a large portion of these girls proved they were not breaking dress code (no shorter than four inches above the knee) by measuring with a ruler, but were not released. please help spread this and let us know if there’s any way to fight this without causing us more trouble!
Juul – now a subsidiary of the company that owns Marlboro – attained
its $12.8B valuation by growing faster than any other vaping company,
thanks in large part to the children who bought its products, reversing decades of progress in getting teens off nicotine products while simultaneously monopolizing the market for vaping products
Juul’s other secret to success was to steadily ramp up the levels of
deadly, highly addictive nicotine in its products, being the first to
leap from 1-2% nicotine refills to 5% refills – a move that touched off
an arms-race with other manufacturers, leading to the status quo where
nearly all refills are 5-7% nicotine.
One of Juul’s key innovations was a patented “nicotine salt” that offset
the bitter flavor of nicotine, allowing users to consume much higher
levels of nicotine without having to endure a bad taste.
Ramping up nicotine levels didn’t just make Juul’s products more
addictive, it made being a nicotine addict more affordable: the major
costs of a vape refill are not the liquid, but the pod, its manufacture
and distribution.
Americans get more toxic versions of Juul’s products. The tighted
regulatory environment in countries like the UK and Israel have limited
Juul to the sale of 1.7% refills.
The vaping industry now sells liquid in non-childproof bottles that contain enough nicotine to “kill an entire preschool class.”
I have been watching this unfold for months through twitter, listservs, and other places. Here is a way to support the people whose land is going to be fucked over by the wall. It’s not just butterflies, it’s also Native American people
😪 can confirm bulldozers were parked on the property earlier this week. Remember, this portion of the wall was already funded last year, but the feds have repeatedly violated the rights of private landowners by tresspassing and destroying vegetation even *before* they obtained legal routes to do so.
I have heard this portion of the wall was funded only because the GOP presented it as “levy wall reinforcements” designed to safeguard land from the effects of flooding. In reality, it will magnify effects of flooding, massively worsen erosion, devastate the area, and every non-flying, non-swimming animal south of the wall will drown the next time the river floods.
For those unfamiliar with Texas and our relationship with our rivers: they flood. They flood regularly. They flood massively. When it rains in Texas, the downpour is torrential, if you don’t have an umbrella, you may as well have walked fully clothed into a shower. Every river and stream with a low road crossing is accompaniedby a flood gauge, some go up to 6 feet, some go higher, and some have been completely submerged.
We get these kinds of floods several times a year. Even in Austin, there are several days a year I have to work from home because parts of the major highways are underwater. All of this rain goes into the streams, which go into the creeks, which ultimately go into one (or more) of the rivers. They all flood. They all flood regularly. You can count on it. That’s why we have things like levies.
If this wall is built, the next time the Rio Grande floods in Mission, the loss of wildlife will be catastrophic. I saw so many cute javelina cleaning up under the bird feeders. Every single one will drown.
Guys, I can’t.
These aren’t pigs. They’re their own thing. They live in packs of 50 or so and this was my first time ever seeing them and it breaks my heart thinking every single one will be dead the next time the valley gets a hard rain.
I’m planning to write up my post(s) from the trip I made last week after tomorrow night. This month is horrible.
Let’s be real. If little girls’ knees, shoulders, and clavicles are a problem for male teachers, you don’t have a dress code issue. You have a pedophile issue.
Y. E. S.
Without knowing anything about the actual post, here’s a thought: Maybe men don’t want to work in a place like that because their neighbours will judge them for choosing to work in an environment with girls in short skirts? Maybe the black hole of respectability slowly sucks in more and more bystanders?
Maybe the atmosphere in which that tweet goes viral is indicative of the problem? Maybe the ease with which she insinuated that these men she didn’t know were paedophiles is exactly the reason why? In this atmosphere, is it a surprise that adult men want their wards to wear long, modest skirts?
Maybe it doesn’t matter what men wants? Maybe if you’re working at a school, stop throwing a fit over girl’s clothing? Maybe a girl showing a normal human body part like knees and shoulders shouldn’t be a problem? Maybe stop making girls be punished just because men can’t control themselves? Maybe stop victimizing young girls and make them responsible instead of actual adults? It wasn’t bad enough girls had to be restricted in their clothing because how dare their flesh distract male peers, but now it’s grown adults?
Adult men has no business wondering about girl’s’ clothing to begin with. If you’re not implanting rules that boys can’t wear shorts or tank tops at school, then kindly fuck off with trying to police girls. Men got themselves into this atmosphere by their own leecherous and pedophiliac behaviors that they never police against each other, they can learn to get themselves out of this situation instead of directing the blame to young girls.
The only good environment I care about is for young girls without being bodies being policed and being told grown men’s safe feelings matter more than their agencies over their own bodies.