you’ve probably seen posts telling you that it’s okay not to have sex if you don’t want to, that you’re never obligated to perform sexual acts if you’re uncomfortable with it
and that’s great, I’ll repeat that a thousand times, but I would just like to add that you also don’t have to sext if you don’t want to. you don’t have to send nudes if you don’t want to. you don’t have to do anything sexual if you don’t feel like it or it makes you uncomfortable, even if it’s “just” digital.
if somebody tells you they “need” it, they’re an asshole. you don’t owe anybody anything sexual, not even if they’re your partner. you don’t have to send them anything to make them like you or keep them interested, because someone who cares more about sex than about your comfort isn’t somebody you need in your life. sex is just a want, but consent is a need.
you don’t have to sext.
you don’t have to take nudes.
you don’t have to do anything to please somebody else if you don’t want to.
Backstory: The party is creeping through the city sewers, trying to find a bunch of little killer golems (think Mousers from TMNT). The ranger has a map of the sewer that includes marks for trapped areas. One such trap is a pressure plate with a barely discernible “X” on the surface. The party is single file along the side of a narrow sewer walkway.
Caven, our Ranger (whispers to Cleric): “Don’t step on the ‘X’! Pass it on!” Cleric (whispers to Sorceress): “Caven says don’t step on the X, pass it on!” Sorceress (whispers to Rogue): “Caven says to step on the X, pass it on!” Rogue: “Wait, what about Caven’s ex?” Warlock: “Caven’s having sex? Dude, we’re in a sewer!”
DM (me): “Very funny. So you can all move around the trap and-” Warlock: “What, no, that was totally in character. We set off the trap.” DM: “ … … .”