Me: [kneels down in front of faerie queen, head bowed] Queen: [taps my right shoulder with a sword] Queen: “I dub thee a knight or whatever.” Me: [doesn’t move] Queen: “Uh. It’s over. Why… are you still kneeling?” Me: “Well ma’am I was kinda hoping you’d play with my hair.”
Queen: [sighs, ruffles}
Queen: “Like that?”
Me: “Aaaaaand with that, my fealty is guaranteed for like… eternity.”
Faerie: “Your Majesty, did you put your own human knight into an enchanted sleep?” Queen: “No! They just… passed out. Right there. Take care not to step on them during the revels, I think they’ll be fine…”
Bohemian Rhapsody. We Will Rock You. Somebody To Love. All hit singles, and all the direct product of a band that was formed when an astrophysicist and a dentistry major found a new friend in an art college, who then went on to recruit a fourth member from the electronics school. Based on this alliance I propose the rift in society between Arts and STEM students was fabricated to keep us separated so as to dilute our true power – and fabricated by who, you may ask? The business major, the only member of society who reaps no reward from art and science and thus must weaken us so as to stay ahead. In this essay I will