I often work with children and it makes me kind of sad when I’m at work and I start talking to a small child and their parent says something like, “oh, she’s sixteen months, she can’t understand you.”
Like, 1. I know what a toddler is and 2. not with that attitude she won’t.
There are a lot of great additions to this post, but I think this also may be the time for me to share one of my favorite stories about myself.
Growing up, I spent most days with my grandmother while my parents were at work. My grandmother was a spry old Estonian woman from Saaremaa who had herself grown up on a farm, but her favorite hobbies in her retirement were reading, being a card shark, and gardening. She had a lovely backyard with a lot of flowers: both those native to Maryland and some that reminded her of her homeland. She spent a lot of time out in the garden, and my very earliest memories are of sitting in the grass watching her putter around in the dirt on her hands and knees.
So one weekend afternoon when I’m perhaps barely a year old, I’m at my parents’ house on their day off, just sort of noodling around on the grass behind our townhouse. My mom thinks she hears me babbling to myself and so she quietly sneaks up behind me, hoping to maybe catch some of my first words.
As she gets closer, she notices that I’m pulling up grass in my fat little baby hands while I mutter something. Just fistful after fistful of grass and tossing it in every direction. She gets up right behind me and finally she can make out what it is I’m saying as I rip up the lawn:
If you are scrolling through Tumblr trying to distract yourself from something you don’t want to think about, or you’re looking for a sign. It is going to be okay. Just breathe. You are alive and you matter.
Husbeast has given Mr. Mochi watermelon and now Mochi is trying to snitch the crusts off his plate.
Always consult your vet before making any changes to your pet’s diet, but Watermelon is safe for both cats and dogs and a good way to help them stay hydrated this summer.
Don’t give your cat with a history of determined Begging and sneaky little thief hands watermelon off your plate because then he thinks he’s allowed to eat the watermelon off your plate and that’s just inconvenient.
“Determined Begging” implies much less thievery than Mochi is involved in.
It’s only theft if we’re not looking! Srsly of we are he does a full Saddest Cat Ever face while pulling things off the plate.
He doesn’t steal Charlie’s food either he slaps Charlie then eats his food so it’s really assault and robbery.
There’s no way Bucky is resentful that Steve passed the shield to Sam. If anything, he’s fucking thrilled, because now he gets to work alongside another Captain America and laugh his ass off every time Sam makes a clumsy mistake.
Like I bet at some point Sam throws the shield and just completely forgets how math works, so when it hits the wall at one angle, it doesn’t come back to him.
Sam, taking the walk of shame to retrieve the shield: I fucking hate my life.
Bucky, wheezing and holding his phone: I got it on video and sent it to Steve.
Hey fellas, either one of you know which way the Smithsonian is? I’m here to pick up a fossil
Endgame writers ignored Natasha and Sam’s friendship so I’ll just do it myself
Sam was crushed that he never saw her again. He came back in Wakanda expecting his dorky assassin friend to there ready to kick ass, but he never saw her. Once he found out, he was in shock. He’d just been fighting by her side and all of sudden she’s gone. When it starting to sink in, he mourned with Clint. He helped Clint, he remembered how destroyed he was after he saw Riley die and understood how traumatizing her death would be in a way no one else did. Clint and Sam had an unspoken bond afterwards, two brothers who lost a sister. It took months for Sam to stop making inside jokes out of habit of Natasha being there to laugh with him. Everytime he was answered with silence the grief hit all over again. Sam took even longer to not instinctively ask for her help or make sure she’s okay over comms when in a fight. No one said anything though, they’d just move on instead of correcting him. Steve growing old was hard on Sam, his best friends vanished so suddenly. He missed Steve, his Steve, the reckless dumbass he’d follow to the end of the earth. But Natasha’s death left more of a hole in him though. Steve got to live his life. He married, grew old, he got to be happy. Sam missed him but was happy for him. Knowing Natasha, he could guess how she must have been suffering over those five years. She died without getting to live, she led a desperate team when others left. He asked Rhoedy about how she had been over those years, they ended up talking for hours about her. Sam was proud of Natasha, she never gave up on being good and stayed strong when no one else stepped up. But he regreted not being there to tease her, to get her allow herself to express how she feels, to stay in the compound as much as he could so she’d not be lonely, to just be there for her. He felt like he failed her, even though it wasn’t his fault. He’d lost a part of him, he’d lost his sister and he missed her. After over a year, Sam visited D.C. again. He went to the spot where they met. A tree by the road, to anyone else it was just a tree, but to Sam it was where he met Natasha. He left a small figure of a dinosaur skeleton at the base of the tree. Sam finally found that fossil she was looking for, and left it for her to pick up someday.
Demon rose has now fully grown over all the windows on that side of the house. It’s very sleeping beauty-esque waking through the house and having your view obscured by roses, climbing vines and thorns.