hi sorry i just realized something and now I am speculating about whether Crowley keeps houseplants and yells at them as a reframing device/coping mechanism to deal with the repressed trauma of Falling (read: being cast out of the Garden?)
like here he is, being INTENSE PERFECTIONIST AND CONTROL FREAK (in a way that he isn’t, in the rest of his life) and the second one of his plants shows a flaw, even a single leaf spot, he puts it down the garbage disposal, discarding it the way he felt he was discarded????
crowley, go to therapy
go to therapy, crowley
(or possibly he did go to therapy and the therapist was the one who suggested he get a hobby like gardening and he twitched a bit and went “mmm yeah Gardening, right. i can go make a Garden for myself sure. right. it’ll be very therapeutic.” it is not very therapeutic, it is just picking at an old scab)
Hey Alex, quick question, who gave you the right and second of all *incoherent sobbing*
FOLLOW UP: imagine how Crowley feels when Aziraphale comes into his flat and looks at his objects of self-externalization plants and loves them and coos over them and praises them and gives Crowley a stern look and says he shouldn’t be so mean to the poor things, they’re doing their best
imagine how that feels, imagine how it feels to have someone take the punching bag you’ve taped your own face to, and instead they hug it, how fucking gobsmacked would you be about that
This is the best thing ever. Look at that cartoon! OMG I love it. And in the video, when the chick pulls itself up to its full height even though it’s basically still just a little donut! Thank you, @theredheadinquestion and @riorothbates!
Bill Nye for most of his career: Imma do science for kids. Science without politics. Nice, tame science for the kiddos.
Bill Nye now:
He is still teaching science without politics tho, problem is that the far right has declared all science as a political statement
What we are seeing is the idea of “science” and “knowledge” been put as political statements cause the rock bed of conservatives depends on people being ignorant and in order to achieve that they have to make it seem like all science is by nature “political”
It’s the South Park effect, were ignorance is labeled as the “true center” while knowledge and education are labeled “SJW propaganda”
I hate how one of our biggest political problems is a concept called the fucking south park effect.
Cinderella “plot holes” I am tired of hearing about
“Why didn’t her step family recognize her?” Because royal balls were basically the candle lit equivalent of clubbing in terms of both lighting and sheer numbers. Even if they were right next to her, they probably wouldn’t get a good look, especially since it would have started after sundown. Also, she was the help; they probably hadn’t looked at her in years.
“Looking for someone based on their shoe size is stupid!” See above.
“Was he going to have every size seven in the kingdom try the slipper on?” Prior to industrialization most garments were made by hand to fit the buyer’s measurements, including shoes. It’s why poor people only had one pair. It’s a lot smarter when you consider that they would’ve fit her like a glove.
“You can’t run down stairs in heels!” I know this is a misconception resulting from historical revisionism and disneyfication, but high heels were not originally women’s shoes. They were worn by men. Women wore slippers, which were basically ballet flats. So it’s debatable.
“Glass shoes don’t make any sense!” Okay first of all, it’s called the suspension of disbelief, and secondly, they’re gold in every other version but Perrault decided to change them to something else expensive.
“She just went to the ball to find a man!” I know this isn’t a plot hole but listen. As the daughter of a widower Cinderella would’ve been running the household finances and acting as hostess if he hadn’t remarried. By demoting Cinderella to a servant, her step-mother essentially guaranteed that she would never escape the house, because the only way for her to escape and maintain her status was to marry well, and no one was going to marry a servant. It was essentially the historical equivalent of your mom stealing your college acceptance letters out of the mailbox.
this was not an analysis i was prepared for, i’ll tell you that
Also, on that last point, getting married was never really Cinderella’s plan from the get-go. Sure, she’s certainly not going to complain about getting a meal-ticket out of her step-mother’s clutches, but that wasn’t her intent.
She just wanted to go to the ball for the sake of going to the ball. She just wanted to do the 1700’s French equivalent of turning up at a party and getting crunked.
The fact that she got a boyf out of the deal was just a bonus.
treat them with respect but be wary of any offers of food
what, you thought it was a coincidence ace culture is based on cake and puns? how foolish.
you know who else likes wordplay and tempting foods?
Well, I guess you baker beware of all these cookies I made today. Looks like they’re going to go to waist whether you eat them or not. At yeast I’ll have them all to myself now…
#fun fact when you can only see the top of the pink letters it looks like it says enbies
Okay this is amazing and all, but this also went from “a-spec people” to just “ace culture” really quick
good point! I’m aro, but while I associated ace culture w/ things like cake, dragons, puns etc, I don’t have many associations for aro culture! we just don’t talk about it enough. let’s fix that!
Green gemstones like malachite, emerald, serpentine
Discount chocolate after Valentine’s day
Also dragons
Other aro-specs add on.
where’s the thing that says “I did not agree to this picture of me pls delete it”
I was seriously thinking just the other day about how many of my relationships were “I have to convince myself I’m in love with you because I’m terrified of making anyone angry or sad and so I’m utterly screwed here” and how I should write something about this
I literally. Told someone I was in love with him once. Because he had just said he was in love with me, and I’d said apologetically that I didn’t feel the same, and he was SAD.
So, being aro and not knowing it and having absolutely zero idea what being in love meant or felt like, I searched within myself to see if perhaps I could find some seed of liking him more than as a friend, that might be nurtured into love. And I convinced myself that I loved him enough to say that actually I DID love him. And WE DATED FOR NINE MONTHS AND EVEN MOVED IN TOGETHER. WHY GOD WHY
i’m watching an art theft documentary and they’re interviewing this art history professor from new york who was asked to go with the fbi to authenticate a rubens that had been stolen but it was a sting operation so they had to pretend like they weren’t the fbi, that they were some private buyer about to pay $3.5 million for it, and the fbi was like “this is a VERY delicate operation because you never know how they will react to what you have to say so let the agent do all of the talking, don’t say a word to anyone just nod if it’s the rubens, the last operation we did the guy in your position got shot because things went wrong in a second” and then it cuts to the professor’s interview and he says “i wasn’t going to fly down to miami to be a part of an undercover fbi sting operation to handle what could be rubens’s aurora and just NOT say anything. i was gonna have to ad lib a little” and then he tells the interviewer that when he & the fbi agent got to the hotel while he was examining the painting he started lecturing the other people, first on how badly they had wrapped it, and then about like how it had been painted, the history of it, what the subject was and what she was doing, etc etc, and he was like “i hadn’t taught a class on rubens in 15 years, so for me it was like being back in the classroom except my students couldn’t leave”
at one point during the deal the professor turned to the woman selling it and he said “isn’t this just the most beautiful rubens you’ve ever seen outside of a museum?” (because the fbi had told him earlier that this piece had been stolen from a museum) and THEN he said “where on earth did you get it from?” and the group of people the woman had with her was like taxidermy-fox.png but the woman was like “inheritance” can you IMAGINE the fbi agent about to have a fucking aneurysm when this random guy you’ve brought in just to nod if it’s the right painting not only starts giving an impromptu lecture but then he asks how they got it
omg BLESS YOU for the link and the time stamp that was as glorious as described by the OP
holy gosh. So the painting was wrapped in a manila envelope and the professor did NOT appreciate this:
I was so outraged that they would have been so casual about the handling of this picture that I immediately scolded them and said “This is no way to wrap a Reubens.” And I said “Next time be sure you have in wrapped up in bubble paper….They all were kind of nodding and smiling sheepishly.”
Tony Stark, Iron Man 1: A Soft Boy. Floppy hair and lil smiles. Obviously in love with his secretary and Just Trying To Do The Right Thing. Highkey Vengeful as fuck, many smouldering looks to the camera. You May Swoon.
Tony Stark, Iron Man 2: Dying. In what way, you ask? In All Ways.
Tony Stark, Avengers: Unresolved Sexual Tension With A 90 Year Old. (This is all the movie is.)
Tony Stark, Iron Man 3: Just a Tired old man. Will jump if you speak too loudly. Been through hell and talks about the war a lot. Should probably be on medication. Spiky hair 2 represent Spiky Lifestyle. It’s a thing.
Tony Stark, Age of Ultron: Oh Fuck robots everywhere fuck fu-
Tony Stark, Civil War: Is just trying his best. Best is no longer enough. Long-time bro and fuck-buddy on the DL, Captian America, leaves him for another mans. His eyes look sad a lot. Painful.
Peter Parker: Drags his feet into the living room of the compound and drops his school bag on the floor and proceeds to dump himself onto the couch. Face smashing into the pillows.
Tony Stark: strolls into the living room and notices Peter laying there with his head mushed against the pillows
Tony: what’s wrong kiddo? How was school?
Peter: (kinda muffled from the way his face is pressed up in the pillows) I totally failed my lab safety test today.
Tony: (kneeling down next to him) why? What did you do?
Peter: (turning to look at Tony) they asked me what steps I would take in the event a fire breaks out.
Tony: (eyebrows furrowed) and?
Peter: “large one’s” was apparently the wrong answer