Tag: Text


Things Terry Pratchett Did

Made fun of the “unnecessarily naked/scantily clad woman,” “sacrificial virgin,” and “sexy heroine” tropes in his first two novels.  The first was described as being the most powerful of her clan of dragon-riders and the nakedness was properly treated as unnecessary in a clear parody.  The second turned out to be one of the more level-headed (while not well-educated) members of the party after her initial introduction, and also had a spine and knew (and got) what she wanted.  The third was described as wearing sensible clothes, was pretty but not sexualized at all, and was practical and smart.

Wrote an entire novel to critique the unequal treatment of “men’s magic” versus “women’s magic” in the fantasy genre.  Portrayed witches as just as if not more capable than wizards (when it comes to actually helping people, in particular), and also generally having more common sense than them.  Nevertheless created a little girl character with wizard powers, and had her decide neither wizard nor witch magic was sufficient and develop a new kind of magic all her own.

Included sex workers in his worldbuilding.  Made jokes about them the same way he did every other kind of person of any profession, but was also highly respectful and never critical of these jobs.  Described the head of the ‘Seamstresses’ Guild as one of the most influential people in the biggest city in the world.  Never showed or described in detail any sexual violence, including against these workers.  In fact, made sure to say that anyone in the city who harmed a sex worker would be dealt with painfully, embarrassingly, and/or lethally by two fearsome elderly ladies.  Even his more ditzy stripper character quickly smartened up and learned some true self-respect–not by quitting her job but by realizing she didn’t have to take any shit from men.

Included strong female friendships aplenty.  Included female enemies who were enemies over things other than men.  In general constantly passed the Bechdel Test and not only that, left it in the dust and had way more meaningful and realistic representation.

Five words: Dwarf Women Are All Trans.  More words: And there’s no way to know if some of them were trans in the way we Earth humans would understand it, too, and he clearly didn’t think that sort of genitalia-based gender labeling mattered.  Did not turn his trans dwarfs into a joke, but treated them simply as people–including a scientist/forensics officer in a police department, a prominent fashion designer, and the literal King of all dwarfs (who subsequently came out as Queen).  Portrayed transmisogynists as unequivocally wrong, and had protagonist characters stand up for and protect their trans colleagues and friends.  See also: had genderfluid characters in two of his books and at least one trans man, as well as confirming canonically that there are gay wizards, one of whom is really good at football.

One of his mainest of main characters was a blunt, bad-tempered, prideful old woman who is also good to her core.  Didn’t gloss over her unfriendliness or excuse it, but made her complex and interesting and overall likeable despite all that.  Also had a very amiable old lady character who also had a temper and would throw hands with anyone who’d mess with her family or best friend.  In general, steel-souled old ladies, wow.  Also steel-souled young girls.  

Said he was incapable of writing a weak, wilting female character, and honestly I can’t think of a single one in any of his books.

Please feel free to add to this list with other Things Terry Pratchett Did because I definitely didn’t say them all!

Next up on the reading list.

  • Terry Pratchett



How the heck does this gifset not have a hundred thousand reblogs? It’s amazing!

I reblogged this the other day and wondered why it didn’t have a hundred thousand reblogs. I came back today to see if it had gotten a hundred thousand reblogs, yet, and saw that the OP was upset that somewhere along the reblog train, the credit for the creator had been stripped out.

So I’m reblogging with a comment from someone else, who says:

“hey! this gifset comes from the music video for All Over by CRUISR! ”

Don’t strip credit out of reblogs, y’all. That is not cool.


Firstly : holy crap that is a lot of fur for an 8 week old kitten.

Second : we are collecting kittens with strange meows this month apparently.

Third : I love him.

Fourth : my husband said no, because we already have a fluffy idiot son and do not need another.






*tastes potion like a chef testing the soup* hm. needs more eye of newt.

this is hilarious + its even funnier if u kno that eye of newt is probably mustard seed

so who else was today years old when they learned that “eye of newt” is mustard seed and not the literal eye of a newt or am i just dumb

Theres even more beyond eye of newt

no wonder my potions never work the way they should





fred: hey do you know anyone who can teach me how to play the trumpet

ron: why

fred: i wanna wander around the dungeons and annoy the slytherins

harry: technically you don’t actually need to know how to play it for that

fred: you have opened my eyes, harry

This is completely in character omg

Plot twist: after a few hours of Slytherin-annoying, Fred encounters a Slytherin who plays trumpet and they are like. SO offended, not at the noise but at the poor technique and they are all “Give me that and listen: HERE is how you hold it, THIS is how you blow it, here is this note, that note, another note, now try and make a reasonable sound.”

To make a long story short, Fred learns to play the trumpet.

So does George, because he snags the trumpet and pretends to be Fred one day and gets the same lesson. Trumpet!Slytherin can always tell them apart by their different skill levels: Fred gets exceedingly good at the trumpet, while George masters the basics but then thoughtfully asks Trumpet!Slytherin if they know anybody who plays the bassoon.

By the time they graduate, the Hogwarts Interhouse Nuisance Orchestra consists of three trumpets, one bassoon, four tubas, an electric guitar someone’s charmed to work in Hogwarts, eleven drums of varying sorts, and a set of bagpipes (Professor McGonagall).

No talent is required, only enthusiasm and friendliness.

Next year they’re down two trumpets and a tuba, but a newcomer from a muggle household introduces the concept of contrabass and hyperbass instruments, Harry Potter happily throws a large sum of his inherited money at providing odd instruments in amusing quantities, and such events as the Monthly Nuisance Parades and various holiday concerts are conducted with several instruments that have to be levitated along, including a harpsichord and a concert grand piano.

When Voldemort tries to invade Hogwarts, he’s struck with a near-literal hammer of cacophanous sound that drives him right back out the doors screeching in pain. The final battle goes a bit differently, and every year afterwards there’s a reenactment on that day in which a cartoonish effigy of Voldemort is escorted out of Hogwarts by the Hogwarts Interhouse Nuisance Orchestra, pelted with garbage, and set on fire.

By the time Harry’s kids get to Hogwarts, the musical concept has spread and there are several chamber ensembles, jazz bands, filk circles, a proper orchestra, a band that plays at quidditch matches, and several clubs based around specific instruments or musical styles.

Snape still hates trumpets.

It’s Offically Springtime In Colorado


I opened the back door to go get the mail and approximately 589 fucktillion Miller Moths flew into the house.  

The dogs are now hunting them for sport and late-night snacks.

Well really Charlie is hunting them via galloping and leaping around the house and yelling whenever he swats/snaps one out of the air until Arwen comes and eats it.  Arwen has a knee injury and can’t chase them like normal so it’s nice of him to share.  Of course, any time Charlie yells about something, she has to yell back at him and thus they coordinate the Great Hunt by the loudest game of Marco Polo possible.

 It’s 1 AM.

It’s their favorite thing all year, until their next favorite thing all year happens, because being a dog means your enthusiasm isn’t tempered by the illusion of time or the dumbassedry that just because something happens regularly that it isn’t special.  Maybe I’m extremely sleep deprived but I feel like we could all learn from this attitude.