





Lmao exactly. Earths dying but the Notre Dame looks pretty so uwu yay!

Controversial but i feel too strongly about how fucked the distribution of wealth is (especially in America) to not reblog this

I WAS TALKING ABOUT THIS RIGHT HERE^^^^^ oceans are in danger…

The Notre Dame fire was truly heartbreaking, but honestly… imagine the difference we could make if we used that money to help our planet…

The outrage isn’t that money went to Notre dame INSTEAD of *insert serious issue here*. The outrage is that there’s enough money in the world to be able to fix Notre Dame AND environmental damage AND give everyone free healthcare AND fix a slew of other institutional issues but the super rich are simply unwilling to do so for entirely self-serving reasons.

And that’s fucked yo.

The Earth is not dying. It is a planet.

The earth will not die in 12 years. We may have 11 years in which to act to limit the emissions of greenhouse gases to ensure a comfortable and prosperous future for our civilisations, in which future generations have lives of dignity and enjoyment.

Plastic pollution and climate change are two different topics. They intersect in meaningful ways, but are different. One of the meaningful ways that they intersect is the fact that plastic is a petroleum byproduct; if you leave fossil fuels in the ground, then petrochemical companies will no longer have endless supplies of practically-free plastic to foist on everybody.

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is mostly composed of old fishing nets. Cleaning it should be the responsibility of nations. Rather than chasing down plastic packaging in grocery stores, people could do great good by addressing the issues of ghost nets, fishing practices and the fact that their home nations will happily consume the food in the oceans without taking any responsibility whatsoever for the oceans.

There is (regrettably) more than a billion dollars in the world. In 2018 the USA decided on a military budget of 700 billion dollars. The global art market for fine art in 2018 was 64 billion dollars, which is slightly less than what Americans spend on their pets every year.

The USA spends about $20 billion every year propping up the fossil fuel industry, giving them subsidies and tax breaks to keep them profitable.

The issue is not that people like landmarks. That is a rather natural response to landmarks, which are sort of meant to evoke emotion and admiration. The issue is that public sentiment is so scattered and fragmented that it gets confused and attacks its neighbor for random impulses, rather than difficult stuff that makes it feel dizzy, “trying to think about the concept of a billion” or “wondering where plastic comes from” or “asking what fossil fuel subsidies are for.”

Slow down for five minutes – there is time and there is money. The trick is pointing them in the right direction.



Happening right now in Hong Kong – the police is firing rubber bullets and using batons, pepper spray, tear gas and water cannons on peaceful protesters who took the streets to protest against the passing of a controversial law which would allow China to extradite people.

Protesters set up camps, gave out snacks and surgical masks before all of this started. Tanks are apparenrly out in the streets as well and people are being hurt as I write this, but they are not backing down.

Most of the protesters are young people, university students, even high schoolers.

Get inspired, America. This is how we get rid of the Fascists.




THIS is how you handle something properly – Corporate, DID style… A niche, but hear me out:


My initial response:

“Hell. Fucking. No.”

Justifying my point to someone who said I was being too sensitive:

“Actually, I get angry when people make fun of people who have survived severe trauma. You call that offended. I call it common decency.”

My response as a consumer, to their international CEO in regards to their Advertisement:



Mr Gainor, 

It has come to my attention that in an advertisement for your banana split, you have chosen to make mental illness the punchline. This is in reference to the “Split personality? Order two!” sign. I would like to inform you that this is extremely offensive. 

It’s called Dissociative Identity Disorder – and it is caused by chronic and severe trauma during early childhood

I have been a customer at Dairy Queen for over a decade, and you have lost a lifetime of business from this former customer. 

I would also like to inform you that DID occurs at a rate of 1% in the general population. You have just alienated and made a tasteless joke in reference to 1 out of every 100 customers. 

And finally, I wanted to let you know that you have made survivors of the most horrific trauma and abuse a punchline. 

Please reconsider this ad and remove it before you cause more damage to your company.

Sincerely, Eleanor Hutchinson (a real life person with DID)]

And today, to my shock and amazement:



Dear Ms. Hutchinson,

Thank you for reaching out to John Gainor regarding the point of sale
poster for the banana split seen in Texas.

I am so sorry we have upset you and offended you. Please accept my
apologies on behalf of John and the corporation.

Everyone on Texas Marketing and Operations teams is working to have this
removed and destroyed immediately.

Kind regards,


Carolyn Kidder
Senior Fan Relations Manager
American Dairy Queen Corporation

”: ]

My final response:



Ms. Kidder,
Your apology is warmly accepted. Thank you for listening and responding so gracefully. DQ has been a brand I have been loyal to since childhood, and have had the fondest memories. I’m reminded of fund raisers in the community; and the sponsorship of my high school’s hockey team, along with the Peer Mentors program.
You have certainly won back my current and future business. I think I’m going to have to go get a blizzard 😊
Thank you for listening to the DID community’s feedback. It helps restore your faith a bit, you know?
Take care,Eleanor Hutchinson ]  

Long story short; A+ to Dairy Queen for being so responsive. I love you more than I thought possible :,)

While this blog primarily focuses on physical accessibility and ableism directed towards physically disabled people, this is a great example of how to respond to ableism anywhere- especially at a corporate level. Contact the company politely and explain why something is a problem to someone in charge. Don’t yell at employees- it isn’t up to them to decide. Ask the employees how you can contact the manager and/or owner of this branch. Some will refuse to help or lie claiming they don’t know how to reach their manager. If there is a customer satisfaction survey and employees made bs claims like this and stonewalled you that you fill it out with a complaint about their unwillingness to help you. Beyond that harassing employees does nothing. If they won’t say who to contact go directly to the chain head with what happened. They will get in touch with the manager/owner and ensure the issue is fixed because they don’t want their brand to look bad.

This was how I handled a recent incident where a security guard refused to let my working service dog come with me into hospital. I gave them the laws and wrote an info sheet on applicable local laws as well as federal and provincial around service dogs and disability accommodation. They have asked permission to make my info sheet I made to summarize things as a permanent part of their staff training. By going to the person in charge not just yelling at employees, especially if you are able to explain how to fix it, it ends up not only helping you but others who didn’t know what to do or who don’t have the spoons to handle it.





What would it take for someone to sell you three “magic beans” for $10 at a farmer’s market?

Specifically, what kind of person would you buy magic beans from? You have no way of knowing if the beans are actually magical – they probably aren’t. But just how colorful a character would a magic bean salesman have to be before you willingly spent $10 for the experience of buying magic beans from an eccentric stranger?

I wouldn’t buy $10 magic beans from a young man with an undercut and suspenders with sailor tattooes on his forearms. He might be a nice guy – maybe I’d be friends with him. But I would not spend $10 for the experience of purchasing magic beans from him, unless they were actual real magic beans and he could prove that.

I might buy $10 magic beans from a small child in a wizard costume. It depends. Maybe if they’re really committed to the role – then I’m purchasing the privilege of interacting with them.

I might but $10 magic beans from an incredibly sexy, mysterious lady with long opera gloves and glittering eyes, but probably not – I might give her money just for smiling at me but I don’t think she’d really have the right vibe for selling magic beans. Potions, yes. Not beans.

I’d probably buy magic beans from a wild-haired, cheerful witch in overalls and mud boots, but that wouldn’t really be about the beans, it’d be about finding excuses to talk to her.

I’d absolutely buy magic beans from a toothless old person dressed entirely in hot pink or chartreuse who answered my questions with rambling non-sequiturs and told me long, scandalous, scientifically impossible stories about how things used to be.

I would buy three magic beans from the white haired woman who sits on the back of her pickup with dozens of jars of jelly laid out on a table in the abandoned fair ground. She doesn’t sell jelly; she sells potted plants. If you compliment her on her wooden sandals though, she will give you a jar of jelly. She asks if my children are twins every week, and is disappointed they aren’t twins every week. I would buy three magic beans for $10 from her.

On another note, I have traded a crocheted snowflake for ten acorns with a small, barefoot, blonde child in a white dress I encountered in the woods. Two of the acorns sprouted on the way home and I now have them growing in pots.

dude at some point the signs for the goblin market and the farmer’s market in your town got switched but your fae are too polite to say anything when you keep coming back







so no time to sew a new dress for Oxford Rennaissance Festival this year so i cobbled some stuff together from old dresses and a black summer dress i snagged to be used as a costume base at some point.

Come hang w me this weekend at Oxford Renn! There’s pirates n shit its dope as hell, its in Dorchester, Oxford County, Ontario 

this weekend was dope as fuck and im pretty sure i didn’t get more than one bug bite camping so im fuckn pleased.

have this pic of the full costume with all the shit added, pollen count was buckwild ergo mask and it was cold ergo cape. the whole thing together had more of a rogue/pirate aesthetic than planned, but what would yall call this aesthetic??? Roast me in the notes thanx

I don’t know it you do it by land or by sea but you def look like you steal shit

fuck yea thievery 

You look like the thief that lives in the woods that are probably enchanted but nobody knows because everyone else is too scared to willingly go in there and many, many people have gotten lost but you know the place like the back of your hand. Every once in a while someone finds your temporary camp by complete accident and you don’t steal from those people – but the rich assholes parading their way through the woods on the one reliable path are a definite target. The definite target. They don’t even see you coming, and the ambush happens before they know it, and then you’ve vanished, but nobody ever sees you running – you’re just gone. You vibe off the vibe that you know a lot about healing – maybe not as much as someone who studies healing for a living, but definitely enough to patch up wounded travelers or rescued captives.

Somehow, though even though you’re a thief living in the enchanted woods, you’re best friends with the queen, and she always greets you happily whenever you grace the castle with your presence – granted, nobody knows how you got into the castle, because the guards never got the opportunity to stop you and the servants never got to announce your presence, but you just showed up and nobody dares to try and throw you out because you and the queen have just sat down to share a bottle of fine wine

bruh this is fuckin dope as hell does anyone wanna start a webcomic on this premise



I don’t know very many lore details about lotr – never finished return of the king because iirc too many paragraphs about frodo rock climbing – but from time to time I find myself looking for fanfic that humanizes Tolkien’s orcs. Like… fic of lotr Tolkien orc ocs. I’ve never looked up lotr fic about anything else. There’s just something about the idea of an Utterly Evil Monster Race that gets me instantly defensive x 3000

I hate the Evil Monster Race trope, too.

As a lifelong Tolkien fan (books were my mom’s favourites, and my grandma’s before her), I always reconciled the orcs best with the theory that they were elves who had basically been brutalized beyond belief by Morgoth (Sauron’s predecessor) and then by Sauron.

It makes them kind of like darkspawn, in fact. They’re driven towards violence by the malevolent influence of a god or demi-god, which is why their lives are pretty horrible – it’s not that they’re fundamentally lesser, it’s that they have ‘BLOOD RIP KILL DESTROY’ playing on a constant loop in their heads, and that makes it incredibly difficult for them to establish stable communities (on top of them being vitriolically despised and killed-on-sight by every other race in Middle Earth). The fact that, when left without an Evil Overlord to actively command them, orcs can do things like tame wargs and somehow produce food even in hospital places like Mordor, speaks to a remarkable amount of resilience.

And going with the elf theory also means that they’re potentially immortal – or, if they’ve been mixed with humans, that at least some of them are. Makes one wonder if there are any orcs out there whose memory stretches even further back than that of the elves – or at least, the elves still living in Middle Earth. 

But, more importantly, why I like this concept is that there’s an implication that once Sauron is defeated, that there’s really no one with the knowledge to exploit Morgoth’s hold over the orcs left in Middle Earth anymore. They’re basically free. Of course, they’re also contending with the destruction of their homeland, the death of a massive amount of their number, and they’re still the most hated demographic in all of Middle Earth. But there’s a chance that they could withdraw to some place and… heal, mostly.

Every single orc is traumatized. They’ve all spent their lives – whether those are very long lives or not – being subjected to violence and brainwashing and abuse and mutilation. Recovering from that would not be pretty, especially not with limited resources and survival still posing a challenge. But given that Tolkien was largely just concerned with orcs in terms of whether or not they were posing a threat, there’s a lot of leeway even for people trying to stick to his epilogues to step in and speculate on what might have happened after that point.

And personally I like to think that the orcs were able to secure viable regions of territory in several areas, and that they mostly survived by hiding their presence and letting the humans think ‘well, no orcs are running out to attack us here – so there probably aren’t any’ and move along. They focused on surviving and building, mostly, and likely went the dwarven route and figured the best way to hide was to keep their settlements largely underground. Maybe in some places the orcs managed to keep hold of old dwarven strongholds that were otherwise abandoned/forgotten, but in others they probably started to build their own, devising their own techniques but also borrowing from things they’d observed in goblin cities, or places like Moria.

At first they probably acted like they usually did when a Dark Lord had fallen, like they were just waiting for the next one to pop up. But as time passed and it became apparent that things were really different, I would wager they’d begin to experience something of a cultural revolution. Once they were no longer struggling to survive, they’d finally have energy to devote to themselves, rather than to the machinations of some conceited Valar or Maiar. No more living in filth and squalor. No more bloodthirst constantly banging around the backs of their skulls. Their biggest problem would probably be habitual behaviour and unhealthy coping mechanisms, and those are nothing to sneeze at, but it would give an opening for better standards of living to develop, and with more physical comfort and less recurring trauma, the overall stress of living would theoretically go down. The orcish people would finally be able to develop their own culture to serve their own interests. They would have more opportunity to create art, to cultivate traditions, to hone crafts and to establish stronger social ties.

They wouldn’t go back to being elves. They probably wouldn’t want to, either. But they could redefine what being an orc meant, and part of that would probably be something of a return to the ways in which the elves lived a long, long time ago.

I can definitely see them, even generations down the line, not wanting a single solitary thing to do with Gondor or the neighbouring nations, though. Not only because they’d probably not think kindly on the other peoples of Middle Earth, but also because it would seem like a terrible risk. Send an envoy to Gondor? To Rohan? You might as well just cut the poor bastard’s head off yourself, and save them a trip.

Harad would probably be a better choice for eventually developing trade relations, the Haradrim having been at least allied with orcish forces in the past. So the orcs ‘vanish’ from ‘Middle Earth’, or at least the segment of Middle Earth which Tolkien’s histories are largely concerned with, but it’s not, ultimately, an unhappy ending for them, either. The most badly done-by people in Arda’s history finally have their chains broken, and go on to develop their own society, write their own histories, and become one of the pivotal peoples of the lands beyond the boundaries of Tolkien’s maps.

We just don’t hear about it because it has diddly fuck-all to do with Aragorn or the Shire.


wait, do people know about aziraphale and crowley’s new year’s resolutions

at some point neil gaiman and terry pratchett wrote these up and they’re very good


Resolution #1: I must accept that Super-Gluing valuable coins to the sidewalk and then watching events from a nearby café is not proper demonic activity.

Resolution #2: The same applies to rearranging the letters on wayside pulpits.

Resolution #3: Try to come up with something as good as cell phone ringtones, following one last stab at convincing Downstairs that cell phone ringtones are right up there in the whole Human Misery stakes. And iPods. Has anybody Down There even said thank you for iPods? Or “Googling yourself?” Frankly, I deserve some kind of award for “Googling yourself.”

Resolution #4: I must encourage greedy people to use the term, “Low-hanging fruit,” because that’s just like old times.

Resolution #5: This year, I will get a desk near the window.

Resolution #6: I will try to understand why Hell is a no-smoking area. I just think it’s ridiculous having to stand around outside the gates, that’s all.

Resolution #7: On the orders of Head Office I will encourage the belief in Intelligent Design, because it upsets everyone.

Resolution #8: Stop Googling myself.


Resolution #1: Spread peace and love and glad tidings of great joy throughout the world. Also try to get out more.

Resolution #2: I will be charitable to people who use the term “core values,” however difficult this may be.

Resolution #3: Notwithstanding Resolution #2 (above), I will redouble my efforts to have the utterance of the phrase “core values” classified as a deadly sin. I believe Himself is with me on this one.

Resolution #4: I will try to be nicer to the customers. They want to buy books; I want to sell them. It can’t be that hard. (Memo to self: Regular opening hours? Mark prices on books?)

Resolution #5: I will try to be polite to Gabriel, no matter what the provocation.

Resolution #6: Find out exactly what an “Internet” is.

Resolution #7: Really must resume dancing lessons. Learn the “Galloping Major,” the “Gay Gordons,” the “Mashed Potatoes.” Possibly even the “Twist”?

Resolution #8: Thwart Infernal Wiles (ongoing).

Resolution #9: I will try to understand why Heaven is a non-smoking area.

Resolution #10: On the orders of Head Office I will encourage the belief in Intelligent Design – despite the fact that the human airway crosses the digestive tract. Who thought that was intelligent?

Resolution #11: Feed the ducks.

the original link seems to have died somewhere along the way, but hooray for the wayback machine