Tag: Good Omens



the hill on which i will not budge: the apocalypse, the spawning of the antichrist, the great war, and the whole ineffable plan was just god playing the long game so she could get crowley and aziraphale together after 6000 years of faffing.

see originally this was just written as pure nonsense, but i’ve thought about it now and am very definitely picturing good omens’ god as one of those fic writers using all the tropes to devise wonderful and impossible scenarios to get her ship together

only it never works because of that whole pesky free will malarkey

hotel receptionist: mister crowley, mister aziraphale, there appears to have been an error with your booking. you’ve somehow been booked into the same room – and there’s only one bed.

god: oh no

god: only one bed

god: what will they do?

god: hee hee hee

aziraphale: not to worry old boy, you take the bed while I read all night in the hotel lounge so as not to make you feel uncomfortable. angels don’t need sleep anyway, you know.

god:for the love of me.



GO fossilized rec list

ALRIGHT i’m an ancient crone and good omens was one of my earliest online fandoms, so for those of you new or newer to this delightful shitshow than about 2008, to get you started or tide you over til the new wave of fanwork starts rolling in, please enjoy a selection of some of my favorites from back in the day. (i also wrote…like, two fics and did some art, including a stupid-ambitious like 8-page comic about the angelic/demonic origins of kissing under the mistletoe, but sadly it’s been lost to time and the LJ exodus.)

fic by irisbleufic

fic by vulgarweed

fic by hjbender (soon to be updated with new URL!!)

fic by copperbadge

fic by argyle

fic by daegaer

art by quantumwitch

art by linnpuzzle

i’m particularly light on artists so if anybody else remembers some please let me know!! we had good artists in the fandom, i just have the worst brain. ENJOY!!!


Stars Above You – Demmora – Good Omens – Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett [Archive of Our Own]

Stars Above You – Demmora – Good Omens – Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett [Archive of Our Own]