so no time to sew a new dress for Oxford Rennaissance Festival this year so i cobbled some stuff together from old dresses and a black summer dress i snagged to be used as a costume base at some point.
Come hang w me this weekend at Oxford Renn! There’s pirates n shit its dope as hell, its in Dorchester, Oxford County, Ontario
this weekend was dope as fuck and im pretty sure i didn’t get more than one bug bite camping so im fuckn pleased.
have this pic of the full costume with all the shit added, pollen count was buckwild ergo mask and it was cold ergo cape. the whole thing together had more of a rogue/pirate aesthetic than planned, but what would yall call this aesthetic??? Roast me in the notes thanx
I don’t know it you do it by land or by sea but you def look like you steal shit
fuck yea thievery
You look like the thief that lives in the woods that are probably enchanted but nobody knows because everyone else is too scared to willingly go in there and many, many people have gotten lost but you know the place like the back of your hand. Every once in a while someone finds your temporary camp by complete accident and you don’t steal from those people – but the rich assholes parading their way through the woods on the one reliable path are a definite target. The definite target. They don’t even see you coming, and the ambush happens before they know it, and then you’ve vanished, but nobody ever sees you running – you’re just gone. You vibe off the vibe that you know a lot about healing – maybe not as much as someone who studies healing for a living, but definitely enough to patch up wounded travelers or rescued captives.
Somehow, though even though you’re a thief living in the enchanted woods, you’re best friends with the queen, and she always greets you happily whenever you grace the castle with your presence – granted, nobody knows how you got into the castle, because the guards never got the opportunity to stop you and the servants never got to announce your presence, but you just showed up and nobody dares to try and throw you out because you and the queen have just sat down to share a bottle of fine wine
bruh this is fuckin dope as hell does anyone wanna start a webcomic on this premise
I don’t know very many lore details about lotr – never finished return of the king because iirc too many paragraphs about frodo rock climbing – but from time to time I find myself looking for fanfic that humanizes Tolkien’s orcs. Like… fic of lotr Tolkien orc ocs. I’ve never looked up lotr fic about anything else. There’s just something about the idea of an Utterly Evil Monster Race that gets me instantly defensive x 3000
I hate the Evil Monster Race trope, too.
As a lifelong Tolkien fan (books were my mom’s favourites, and my grandma’s before her), I always reconciled the orcs best with the theory that they were elves who had basically been brutalized beyond belief by Morgoth (Sauron’s predecessor) and then by Sauron.
It makes them kind of like darkspawn, in fact. They’re driven towards violence by the malevolent influence of a god or demi-god, which is why their lives are pretty horrible – it’s not that they’re fundamentally lesser, it’s that they have ‘BLOOD RIP KILL DESTROY’ playing on a constant loop in their heads, and that makes it incredibly difficult for them to establish stable communities (on top of them being vitriolically despised and killed-on-sight by every other race in Middle Earth). The fact that, when left without an Evil Overlord to actively command them, orcs can do things like tame wargs and somehow produce food even in hospital places like Mordor, speaks to a remarkable amount of resilience.
And going with the elf theory also means that they’re potentially immortal – or, if they’ve been mixed with humans, that at least some of them are. Makes one wonder if there are any orcs out there whose memory stretches even further back than that of the elves – or at least, the elves still living in Middle Earth.
But, more importantly, why I like this concept is that there’s an implication that once Sauron is defeated, that there’s really no one with the knowledge to exploit Morgoth’s hold over the orcs left in Middle Earth anymore. They’re basically free. Of course, they’re also contending with the destruction of their homeland, the death of a massive amount of their number, and they’re still the most hated demographic in all of Middle Earth. But there’s a chance that they could withdraw to some place and… heal, mostly.
Every single orc is traumatized. They’ve all spent their lives – whether those are very long lives or not – being subjected to violence and brainwashing and abuse and mutilation. Recovering from that would not be pretty, especially not with limited resources and survival still posing a challenge. But given that Tolkien was largely just concerned with orcs in terms of whether or not they were posing a threat, there’s a lot of leeway even for people trying to stick to his epilogues to step in and speculate on what might have happened after that point.
And personally I like to think that the orcs were able to secure viable regions of territory in several areas, and that they mostly survived by hiding their presence and letting the humans think ‘well, no orcs are running out to attack us here – so there probably aren’t any’ and move along. They focused on surviving and building, mostly, and likely went the dwarven route and figured the best way to hide was to keep their settlements largely underground. Maybe in some places the orcs managed to keep hold of old dwarven strongholds that were otherwise abandoned/forgotten, but in others they probably started to build their own, devising their own techniques but also borrowing from things they’d observed in goblin cities, or places like Moria.
At first they probably acted like they usually did when a Dark Lord had fallen, like they were just waiting for the next one to pop up. But as time passed and it became apparent that things were really different, I would wager they’d begin to experience something of a cultural revolution. Once they were no longer struggling to survive, they’d finally have energy to devote to themselves, rather than to the machinations of some conceited Valar or Maiar. No more living in filth and squalor. No more bloodthirst constantly banging around the backs of their skulls. Their biggest problem would probably be habitual behaviour and unhealthy coping mechanisms, and those are nothing to sneeze at, but it would give an opening for better standards of living to develop, and with more physical comfort and less recurring trauma, the overall stress of living would theoretically go down. The orcish people would finally be able to develop their own culture to serve their own interests. They would have more opportunity to create art, to cultivate traditions, to hone crafts and to establish stronger social ties.
They wouldn’t go back to being elves. They probably wouldn’t want to, either. But they could redefine what being an orc meant, and part of that would probably be something of a return to the ways in which the elves lived a long, long time ago.
I can definitely see them, even generations down the line, not wanting a single solitary thing to do with Gondor or the neighbouring nations, though. Not only because they’d probably not think kindly on the other peoples of Middle Earth, but also because it would seem like a terrible risk. Send an envoy to Gondor? To Rohan? You might as well just cut the poor bastard’s head off yourself, and save them a trip.
Harad would probably be a better choice for eventually developing trade relations, the Haradrim having been at least allied with orcish forces in the past. So the orcs ‘vanish’ from ‘Middle Earth’, or at least the segment of Middle Earth which Tolkien’s histories are largely concerned with, but it’s not, ultimately, an unhappy ending for them, either. The most badly done-by people in Arda’s history finally have their chains broken, and go on to develop their own society, write their own histories, and become one of the pivotal peoples of the lands beyond the boundaries of Tolkien’s maps.
We just don’t hear about it because it has diddly fuck-all to do with Aragorn or the Shire.
It comes for her, as it came for her husband, so many years ago. It comes for her, as it came for her Headmaster, the price of his ambition. It comes for her, as it came for far too many of her friends and students, in one war then another.
Death comes for her.
Minerva McGonagall Looks at Death, and raises an eyebrow.
Death pauses, then nods and backs away. “We’ll call this number three then, shall we?”
She smiles as she turns back to her paperwork. There is a reason her animagus form is a cat.
Aziraphale had learned a dance called “the gavotte” in a discreet gentlemen’s club in Portland Place in the late 1880s. After a while, he had become fairly good at it, and was quite put out when, some decades later, the gavotte went out of style for good.
Somehow, the lack of buzz about this makes me think that no one checked what gavotte was (is?). It’s a pheasant KISSING dance where partners exchange kisses at the end. That he learned at A DISCREET GENTLEMEN’S CLUB.
WHY is no one talking about this at all?
… this is one of those things I just assume everyone knows.
Me trying to explain to someone that doesn’t have Visual Snow about the static that covers everything I see.
Here’s a gif to demonstrate.
Imagine that, overlayed over your entire field of vision. Even when your eyes are closed. (especially when your eyes are closed.)
*looks up from computer* now wait just one minute
This is a real thing that exists, not intrusive thought. This is the reason I have glasses. I was a little kid, thought it was normal, tried to point them out to my mom, and she freaked out and brought me to an eye doctor. Where we found out I have shit eyesight. And also apparently where she learned what visual snow was.
But. She deicded. Not. To tell me.
(Like she’s also decided not to tell me or my twin that we’re autistic)
So it literally took me more than a decade to find a word for this.
Which is why I made this post.
She mentioned casually last year to her boyfriend that she learned I had visual snow when I was little and I’m jyst sitting there, having already painstakingly figured all of this out on my own like, “and you didn’t think that was worth explaining to me even when I brought it to your atfention?????”
So ueah.
It’s a thing. If you see staticy moving dots everywhere even with your eyes closed, you’ve got Visual Snow.
I HAVE THIS!!~~ I tried asking my teacher in grade 2 what they were, and she just told me to drink water. Never went away. Wasn’t even studied until like 2013 or something. Sorta fun, mostly irritating!
i have this too! no one explained it to me i just found out from a fuckinf sixpenceee post like a fool.
i just thought EVERYONE had static and floaters in their vision. and that afterimages were that bad for everyone.
like even if im not looking into a bright light or my eyes pass over something slightly bright i get afterimages that can be blinding. when i close my eyes i always have after images of anything reflecting even a little light. i didnt realize that was part of visual snow until last year
here’s some more symptoms for anyone curious if they have this:
RDJ: And I believe I ever remember telling you this, that what we needed was a suit of armor around the world! Remember that? Whether it impacted our precious freedoms or not, that’s what we needed. I said we’d lose. You said, “We’ll do that together too.” Well, guess what, Cap? We lost, and you weren’t there. But that’s what we do, right? Our best work after the fact? We’re the Avengers? We’re the Avengers. Not the Prevengers, right?[Carol]’s great, by the way. We need you. You’re new blood.Bunch of tired old wheels. I got nothing for you, Cap. I’ve got no coordinates, no clues, no strategies, no options. Zero, zip, nada.
I’d just like to add, see how they behave when they’re angry/frustrated/exhausted, and if you see something that concerns you, wait until they’re calm, and then talk to them about it.
My husband used to yell when he got frustrated, but after I explained to him that I found it upsetting, he stopped yelling and started consciously working on asking for help before he got to that level of frustration.
When I’m upset over something, or just in a bad mood, I tend to withdraw. My husband explained to me that it makes him feel like I’m mad at him, so now when I need some space, I’ll tell him what I’m upset about, or that I’m in a bad mood for no particular reason, and I need to be alone for a little while.
See your friends and partners at their worst, but don’t assume that their worst is immutable. If someone loves and cares about you, they’ll try to accommodate you to the best of their ability.
^^^^ This is the best advice I’ve ever seen on this site, and it is so important. Communication is everything, and is 80% of the reason my husband and I have such a healthy, strong, and supportive relationship.
we all talk about az being out of touch w technology but what about crowley. when does mr. “crowley automatically assumed all vehicles he drove would have cassette players and therefore this one did” “he forgot abt speakers so his sound system just works perfectly without them” find out no one uses cassette tapes anymore. when does he find out fax machines are obsolete. does he know what body wash is, bc he doesn’t need to shower and he doesn’t go to the grocery store. has he ever seen a granola bar. does he know about automatic transmissions. if crowley hadn’t invented fruit roll-ups i don’t think he would know what they were. there are unplumbed depths here. crowley doesn’t interact with the world like a human any more than aziraphale does and i think we may have forgotten that
It’s also a huge and hilarious plot-point that Crowley’s computer is showy, but doesn’t do much, whereas Aziraphale’s is an outright fossil, but very functional. And he uses it to keep all those scrupulous tax records in which nobody can prove he’s getting away with murder somewhere.
y’all realize this means that aziraphale is canonically 99x better with computers than crowley. aziraphale keeps incredibly detailed tax records on a computer in the 80s. do you know what computer was the most popular – particularly for financial records – in the 1980s? the IBM personal computer.
this thing ran a text-only operating system. the screen couldn’t display any images unless they were ASCII (like the logo shown above). the first iterations didn’t even have a multicolor display – just the standard green on white text you see in retro vaporwave shit.
to use a text-based operating system, you need to know virtually every command you could conceivably need to run in order to do what you need to do. need to open a file? first you need to locate it. you need to type the right command to move to the right directory and then you need to type the right command to open it in a text editor or viewer. you need to either know all these commands, or (in 1983) have them written down in a goddamn book and look them up one by one.
in other words, most people even now wouldn’t have the first idea how to take a crack at one of these motherfuckers.
and of all people, aziraphale can use one – not only reasonably, but well enough to keep tax records SO DETAILED that the IRS DOESN’T BELIEVE THEY ARE REAL.
and crowley’s computer doesn’t do anything. because he doesn’t know how to use it. sure, he’d be able to use windows 10 today with some instruction (what the hell is a mouse for, anyway?) but aziraphale would almost certainly be able to read the error codes the damn thing spits out when crowley inevitably breaks something
Crowley: angel, help me, I need to find a new pair of cool leather jacket online, my last one just caught on fire.
Aziraphale with hacker voice: Leave it to me
agreed, but this is because when Aziraphale inputs a command, the computer always does exactly what he expected it to do.
Aziraphale talks to his computer like he’s talking to a person By this point his computer is probably a person
He types “show me the picture I took last saturday of a duck” and the computer’s like “you took two pictures of ducks last saturday, here they are.” and ignores the pictures of geese and robins with no tagging required
input: Play that one of Crowley’s cursed bebops I have lodged in my head, please.
input: It goes do do do do do do do.
despite being equipped with a sound system only capable of generating motherboard emergency beeps, somehow a full orchestral & choral cover rendition of Queen’s Fat Bottomed Girls that had not previously existed