Pernicious anemia fucking sucks. You know what sucks more? Megaloblastic Anemia.
Jesus, Joy, you don’t do things by halves, do you? If they’ve come up with an answer, do they also have a cure?
It’s immediate treatment of the b12 and folate deficiency to try and stop the damage being done to my nervous system and heart. Normally it’s injections but given I’m a high risk for anaphylaxis due to the preservation methods used to keep these injections stable they’re running frantic trying to find an answer that won’t further stress my heart. I’m taking massive doses of oral supplements to try and slow the free fall but blood transfusion may be necessary to stabilize things in the interim, which is not also without its risks but given my blood cells are prematurely self destructing and potentially damaging my kidneys and liver (testing ongoing) we’ll do whatever it takes to beat the absolute shit out of this thing.
To clarify for some folk, this is not new. This is the condition I’ve likely been living with all my life and it has been gradually getting worse over the years until it hit critical point when the symptoms start manifesting in god awful terrible ways and become incredibly dangerous and hard for doctors to ignore. People can live their lives for some 20 odd years with pernicious anemia, always feeling sick, always fatigued, plagued by general malaise and various mental health symptoms, and never get diagnosed until it’s too late.
If I hadn’t been pushing tooth and nail for a b12 serum test because my dentist mentioned my mouth ulcers could be caused by b12 deficiency, none of these follow up tests would have been carried out and my condition might never have been found and I’d have continued to worsen, being told my chronic fatigue syndrome was simply worsening until it eventually killed me.
So for the love of god if you’re reading my blog cause any of my symptoms ring a bell for you, get your b12 levels checked, not just thyroid or basic iron test, a full b12 serum and folate test with a full CBC blood test for comparison with a methylmalonic acid (MMA) test and also a mthfr test (mutation that stops you absorbing b vitamins)
Rule this shit out before you let anyone diagnose you with chronic fatigue and brush you aside for the next ten years cause if it’s a chance it’s malingering pernicious anemia you have a finite window of time for treatment before damage becomes permanent and good god if I can save anyone else from going through this, well, it won’t be worth it because there is nothing worth this, but it’ll give me solace.
Take care of yourselves loves, advocate for yourselves, be fierce, be relentless. Thrive. You deserve it.
a lot of people tend to confuse cats showing their belly for belly rubs, but it’s actually only something dogs do, for cats its a sign of respect and trust, they are not expecting to get pet, so when they do it’s not uncommon they get startled or think its play fight, of course there are expectations and some cats who ADORES belly rubs
my diagnosis is combined-type adhd so this’ll be a mess
(self-dx people can reblog too!)
time is a social construct/i have no concept of time (casually forgetting what day/month/year it is)
chronic boredom
rejection sensitive dysphoria
i’m bored but everything is too boring/unappealing
“where’s my phone???” i say, holding my phone
thinking about one thing and then thinking about something else for literally one (1) second but immediately forgetting about what you were originally thinking about
bad yet good memory (i.e: i can remember entire movie scripts from movies i watched years ago but i can’t remember what i did yesterday)
Leg Bounce™
can’t sit or stand still (i.e: i bounce my legs while sitting; i rock side to side while standing)
stimming in general
i have so much energy!!!!!!! i gotta move and jump around Right Now or else i’ll Die
i know i should brush my teeth. all i have to do is pick up my tooth brush, put toothpaste on it, and brush my teeth. so why is my body doing Not That (executive dysfunction)
literally everything is distracting (i.e: that clock on the wall at school? distracting. the air conditioning? distracting. someone tapping their pencil on their desk? distracting. can’t focus on anything but the distraction.)
zoning out CONSTANTLY (can be both on purpose or accidental)
i’m reading this book but i’m not processing any of the words on the pages so i have no idea what’s happening and fuck now i gotta reread it from the beginning (having to do this over and over again to actually be able to read something)
what was i doing? what was i saying? what did i do yesterday? fuck if i know
having no! sense! of! volume control! (i.e: yelling when you think you’re whispering – not being aware of this unless someone mentions it)
i’m upset but i forgot why so now i’m just vaguely uncomfortable
I can’t hold my hands still when I’m taking photos, so I’ve decided to lean into it a little bit. This is one of the solar light in our garden. I think it looks like a flower.
Yesterday I overheard someone talking about how he was taking classes at the University of Maryland because they offer free tuition if you’re over 60.
My brain IMMEDIATELY began scripting a screwball comedy in which a broke millennial who desperately want to finish his long-abandoned degree but is drowning in student debt pretends to be a senior citizen in order to attend college for free.
I’m picturing someone Channing Tatumesque, applying age makeup every morning before he heads off to class. It’s sort of a cross between 21 Jump Street and Mrs. Doubtfire. He keeps forgetting which hip is supposed to be his bad one. His classmates laugh every time he uses slang. There’s definitely a scene where he attends a college party and busts it up on the dance floor.
He catches the eye of a fellow returning student, a woman in her 50s, but she thinks he’s like 70 and she’s already buried one husband, you know? She’s not interested in doing that again. When his charade unravels (hilariously) at the end of the movie, though, she finds out he’s actually like 30 and has abs you could bounce a quarter off. And he’s still super into her. And really, maybe it’s time she gave May-December romance a chance.
Okay so to refine this concept a little:
Our Hero is stuck in a job where he keep seeing people get promoted past him because they have a 4-year degree and he doesn’t. He can’t afford to go back to school until he finishes paying off his student loans for the degree he’s one semester from completing. If he got the promotion he wants he could pay them off a lot quicker. But he can’t get the promotion without the degree.
Along comes a clerical error in his almost-alma mater’s records which lists his birth year as 1948 instead of 1984. He gets a call from them about their “free tuition for seniors” program. “Wow, that sounds amazing!” he says. “I’ll be sure to tell my, uh, grandpa, as soon as he gets home.”
It’s one semester. If he can keep up the charade, he’ll have the degree, get the promotion, pay off the student loans. Hell, if they figure it out after the fact and come after him for the tuition, he’ll be able to afford it by then. He just needs to pass as a 70-year-old until graduation. How hard could it be?
(also, someone in the notes suggested “Senior Year” for a title, which is PERFECT.)
Holy shitballs.
yeah i’d totally watch this
If this hasn’t been optioned, I’m buying the rights.
Summary: Morgan Stark likes learning new words. So when she stumbles upon an unfamiliar title, she’s determined to not just navigate through its millions of definitions but also understand its meaning. Or, the one where all the MCU characters are alive and happy and they discuss their takes on the s-word.
[Barton Household]
Lila: You know, you’re lucky you don’t have any siblings. They’re an absolute pain.
Cooper: Not like we asked for you, either.
Morgan: What’s a “sibling”?
Nathaniel: *eating an apple while watching his siblings fight* Someone you’re unlucky enough to be in the same family with.
[Avengers Compound]
Wanda: *being set down on her feet* This is the third time this week that I had to save myself from bailing you out of jail.
Pietro: *kisses her on the head, grinning* Isn’t that what twins are for?
Morgan: *sitting on the couch* “Twins”?
Wanda: Siblings who came to the world together. And people who stick by your side through thick of thin.
Pietro: Or people you use as a personal form of transportatio—Ow! Wanda!
T’Challa: Bast, help me survive another day of my sister’s antics.
Morgan: You can ask her to stop. Maybe saying “pretty please” will help! It works for me.
T’Challa: *sighs* It makes her happy. Siblings are cursed gifted with the patience and tolerance with each other, even in the dumbest of things they pull.
Shuri: *barges in and dragging T’Challa to her lab* BROTHER, COME! I NEED A VOLUNTEER FOR A HUMAN TEST TRIAL!!
[Training Room]
Morgan: Why do you always let her win?
Gamora: *pauses* What do you mean? She beats me fair and square.
Morgan: But Mr. Quill says you “pull your punches”. That’s why it’s always a draw.
Gamora: *smiles* Nebula is a very strong opponent. Her capabilities are of exception. More so, she is my sibling, she is my equal.
Nebula: Another round, sister?
Gamora: Think you can deck me first this time?
[New Asgard]
Thor: And when we were kids, Loki would often disguise himself as a snake to stab me.
Morgan: *gasps* He can do that?!
Thor: *bellows out his laughter* It’s okay, young Stark. Despite all the evil misdeeds he has committed, I believe deep down, there is still good. Being siblings is all about acceptance, after all.
Loki: No matter how much you want to stab them.
[Stark Household]
Morgan: Are siblings supposed to be blood-related?
Pepper: A sibling is someone you hold special, sweetheart. He can be a brother to protect you or she can be a sister who takes care of you. Either way, you love them with all your heart—
Tony: —blood or not. Like Honeybear *blows a kiss to Rhodey who just shakes his head* over here. Or Auntie Nat to Uncle Clint.
Morgan nods thoughtfully. She perks up and hops down her chair to run around the table to a particular guest on the other side. The other Avengers who were present follows her movement in amusement as she pushes a confused Peter out of his chair and down on one of his knees so they were of the same height. Morgan stands straight in front of him and swiftly drops one hand on his right shoulder first and transfers it over his head to his left one, in a knighting fashion.
Morgan: Alright, Pete, you’re my big brother now.
Peter: *blinks, stunned* O-Okay.
Morgan beams, incandescence rivalling that of three thousand suns, and Peter’s heart bursts. He smiles so wide his cheeks hurt and he picks up his sister off the ground to spin her around. Morgan gleefully squeals in his arms and the way his eyes crinkles gives away how this was the happiest he felt in a long time. The whole room erupts in cheers while Pepper and May huddle to take a photo of what’s got to be the most adorable momentous event they all have witnessed ever.
Bucky: Wasn’t he already tho?
Steve: *elbows Bucky* Let the children have their moment.
Rhodey: *snorts* Tones, are you crying?
Happy: He’s crying.
Tony gallops across the room to engulf both of his kids in a big hug, ignoring the teasing he got from his teammates—no, family.
Tony: If you knuckleheads think I’d just stand there while the two of you got all the spotlight, think again.
Everyone laughs and the siblings giggle. When they were both tucked in his arms, he never felt more at home.
orange juice is the superior beverage bc it makes ur tongue feel like u ate a bunch of ants which reminds me of my childhood when I would put ants in my mouth and eat em except this time it tastes good too
Hey op I think you’re probably allergic to citrus?
is. this not what oj is supposed to make ur tongue feel like
Me when I see a cheesecake: g o o d s h I t
My dairy allergic body: please don’t, we really dont want to have a migraine in two days over this…
My dumb ass, shovleing cheesecake into my gaping mouth: g o o d s h I t
My body, dying on the couch two days later: I f*cking told you so
Me, weakly: g o o d s h I t
Whenever I go to a hotel with family or friends it’s always really funny for me because I’ll wake up with my eyes swollen shut and they’ll be like “what…what happened to you last night” and I get to squint at them and be like “heh hotel pillows make eyes go puff puff”
Avengers AU – If Tony was Peter’s biological father
Tony is super protective of his son. And Peter, inspired by his dad, becomes Spiderman anyway (his dad and his Uncle Rhodey figure him out in a second though).