“Don’t call Trump supporters nazis, it hurts their feelings.”
Yes, this is real (link to tweet). Yes, Tucker Carlson is literally repeating Nazi propaganda that aided the genocide of the Romani during the Holocaust. Yes, I am furious.
(Also, although there is a large population of Romani in Romania, they aren’t indigenous to Romania. They’re a diasporic group originally from northern India.)
Romani and Jewish have been screaming at the top of their lungs for years about neo-fascism in Europe, and Americans were totally aloof.
Then neo-fascism reared its head in America, but Roma and Jews were left out of the conversation in terms of people being impacted, because our oppression was “over.”
Now Tucker Carlson is on live TV using slurs and Nazi propaganda about Romani people, and I’m 90% most people on the left are just going to ignore it.
For many this answer is obvious, but for those suffering from invisible physical or mental illness, the answer may be more uncertain. The simple answer is having a condition that significantly impedes your life in some way is a disability. But what exactly does that mean?
As a child my asthma was so bad I went to the hospital often and couldn’t participate in sports or other physical activity. (My mom even mistook my social awkwardness as lack of socialization due to always being sick instead of suspecting autism, and I can’t really blame her) I remember wishing I could learn Irish dancing like my sister but I wasn’t allowed because of my asthma. As I got older the severity decreased as medications improved. Now my asthma is more of an annoyance and not something I consider part of my disabilities. I also used to get migraines that prevented me from attending school. Now they bug me as they’ve become milder and more controllable. Of course now I have other severe conditions from anxiety to chronic pain to keep me squarely in the disabled column.
However for other people migraines are disabling. They can’t work, study, drive, or other basic things. They have to try stronger treatments and may need accommodations from work or school. That is classified as disabled.
Disability comes in all shapes and sizes, and especially severity. Being a disabled person and not needing one kind of accommodation doesn’t mean the one you do need doesn’t matter.
We talk about this a lot in the autistic community. Many autistics are considered “high functioning” which is not only ableist against so called “lower functioning” autisrics, it implies that some autistics are not disabled because we can hold a conversation and sometimes make eye contact.
Doctors can help confirm if you’re disabled, but don’t take it as word of god. They can be ableist, they can be wrong and not listen to you. Only you fully know how your condition is affection your daily life.
People will look at those in a wheelchair with a straight face and say the only disability is a bad attitude. If they will discount visible disabilities, of course they’ll downright deny invisible ones. Don’t let their ableism get to you. If you’re struggling in life from a medical condition, it counts and you deserve the help you need to get by.
You’re right, I am asked a version of this question all the time. But it’s okay to ask, because it’s the first time YOU have asked it!
The long version is all over various answers, blog posts, and videos from cons. The short answer is: Wesley had his time 30 years ago, and his story has been told. It’s time for new actors, new characters, and new adventures.
I’m proud of the work I did, I’m frustrated the writing wasn’t better, I’m stung and still hurt by the vitriol (even today, knowing that Wesley was beloved by an entire generation, and maligned by a small and vocal minority who never gave him a chance), and I’m so honored to know that Wesley inspired countless kids – boys and girls – to pursue careers in science and engineering. I love Wesley, I love that time in my life, and I love that I get to be part of Star Trek until the day I die.
Wesley will always be part of my life, and I will always love him like he’s one of my own kids. But even if we tried to tell one of his stories today, it wouldn’t be Wesley’s story we’d be telling. Wesley is a kid, and he’ll always be a kid. I don’t think anyone wants to see what Wesley is doing now that he’s the same age Picard was when the show started (and if they do, they can watch Doctor Who! 😉
So I can’t brush my teeth. Like, it’s the worst kind of hell. I went to the dentist for a cleaning today and I told the hygienist this, and she was wonderfully helpful.
There are some incredibly soft toothbrushes available- namely, post-surgical brushes. Running them under hot water makes them even softer.
She told me that you don’t really need to use toothpaste- it’s mostly marketing. The foam gets to me, so that is really reassuring.
She gave me two particularly soft brushes and some xylitol gum. Trident is a market brand of xylitol gum, which helps with your teeth and can make your breath smell better.
The whole purpose of brushing is to disrupt plaque buildup. You don’t need to brush twice a day, every day with toothpaste if you brush correctly- little circles, focusing on near the gums (where most plaque builds up). So if you’re having a bad sensory day and can’t brush at all, it’s not the end of the world.
Hell, you don’t even need a toothbrush if even the post-surgical ones are too harsh. Going over your teeth with the same motions using a washcloth is enough.
She wants to find a fluoride rinse that has a taste I can stand (peppermint is the only mint I can stand) but she’s not particularly worried about it.
I go to Dr. Barr in Chicago. If you can get to the State St. Macy’s, his office is nearby. He’s very kind and patient and really understanding of my needs as an autistic person. The hygienist, I don’t know her name, announced everything she was going to do before she did it, and stopped frequently to see how I was doing.
This is really the only positive dentist I’ve ever had- past dentists have been too rough and not bothered to help find ways I can actually brush.
Basically this is a glowing recommendation for Dr. Barr’s office if you’re autistic, afraid of dentists, or have sensory needs. This is a recommendation even if you don’t have any of those things.
Im actually crying i feel like this post was reblogged for me oh my god oh my god oh my lord thank you
You can also dilute your mouthwash and use it to swish around if it burns. My dentist does this so consider it dentally approved
If you were feeling guilty about your brushing habits, either due to sensory issues, pain, allergies, executive dysfunction, or just plain fatigue, here’s what you need to know about what is and isn’t necessary if your dental care!
You know what would be an amazing opening to The Falcon & The Winter Soldier? The two of them sitting in couples therapy, each end of their couch, snorting, scoffing under their breaths until the therapist speaks,
“So, James, you’re saying Samuel shot you?”
“Damn right he did,” Bucky grumbles, shooting Sam a dirty glare. Sam snorts a laugh.
“To be fair, he shot me first.. and broke the wings off my suit then proceeded to kick me off a helicarrier, and for more context, he also jumped on top of the car I was driving, ripped the steering out plunging me in to an imminent death-
“I was brainwashed-
“And I was tired and wanted to go home, your arm was a good spring board for the bullet,” Sam shrugs, the therapist taps her pen against the notepad, increasingly terrified when Bucky clenches his fist.
“Wait til the day I use your fucking face as a spring board”
you ever think about just how Extra tony is? he really went ahead and, after building a snazzy jet capable of traveling through wormholes for the avengers to use, fired up his trusty hologram computer, opened adobe photoshop starkpaint pro™, filled a canvas with starktech blue™, chose a nice and bold font, and typed out “jarvis is my co-pilot” so he could print one (1) custom sticker to personalize his jet with because he loves his ai buddy so much. and when tony slapped the finished product onto the jet’s dashboard and painstakingly removed all the air bubbles, he probably asked, “so what do you think buddy?”
and jarvis was probably watching quietly the whole time, amused (because he understands what that emotion is) by tony’s antics, and gave a quippy response, “looks perfect, sir. thank you for the ego-boost.” and tony just laughed, glad to hear jarvis liked it, and went on with his day.
Me trying to explain to someone that doesn’t have Visual Snow about the static that covers everything I see.
Here’s a gif to demonstrate.
Imagine that, overlayed over your entire field of vision. Even when your eyes are closed. (especially when your eyes are closed.)
*looks up from computer* now wait just one minute
This is a real thing that exists, not intrusive thought. This is the reason I have glasses. I was a little kid, thought it was normal, tried to point them out to my mom, and she freaked out and brought me to an eye doctor. Where we found out I have shit eyesight. And also apparently where she learned what visual snow was.
But. She deicded. Not. To tell me.
(Like she’s also decided not to tell me or my twin that we’re autistic)
So it literally took me more than a decade to find a word for this.
Which is why I made this post.
She mentioned casually last year to her boyfriend that she learned I had visual snow when I was little and I’m jyst sitting there, having already painstakingly figured all of this out on my own like, “and you didn’t think that was worth explaining to me even when I brought it to your atfention?????”
So ueah.
It’s a thing. If you see staticy moving dots everywhere even with your eyes closed, you’ve got Visual Snow.
I HAVE THIS!!~~ I tried asking my teacher in grade 2 what they were, and she just told me to drink water. Never went away. Wasn’t even studied until like 2013 or something. Sorta fun, mostly irritating!
i have this too! no one explained it to me i just found out from a fuckinf sixpenceee post like a fool.
i just thought EVERYONE had static and floaters in their vision. and that afterimages were that bad for everyone.
like even if im not looking into a bright light or my eyes pass over something slightly bright i get afterimages that can be blinding. when i close my eyes i always have after images of anything reflecting even a little light. i didnt realize that was part of visual snow until last year
here’s some more symptoms for anyone curious if they have this: