Tag: Text

How to Get Going When You Just Want to Stay In Bed and Be Nothing


Some days hit you like a ton of bricks, and for those who already struggle, those days can be even harder. Hopefully, these little tips can give you a boost in your darkest moments.

1. Open a window, let some light and fresh air in. You might not want it now, but it will help you feel better in the long run.

2. Take a shower. Sometimes, this can be more difficult than we expect, but that’s okay. Just letting the water hit your back, or washing your face can make you feel more refreshed.

3. Work on a hobby that gets you going. Unfortunately, as good as it feels in the moment, lying in bed and watching netflix while the work you have piles up will only make you feel worse. Now, maybe you can’t tackle your assignments right now, but sitting up and drawing your favourite character or watering your plants while blasting some music will get you in a better mindset.

4. Change your music. Sometimes we need to listen to a sad ass song and just get all our emotions out, but once that’s done and dusted, don’t dwell. Listen to some up-beat music (if I may, I recommend our Pick Me Up Playlist by You) and try to keep your environment from matching your mood.

5. Get a healthy snack and drink some water. Never underestimate the power of good nutrition. If you can’t handle the thought of a full meal, some fruit will suffice for now. But remember what you eat fuels your body, so if you can bring yourself to fitting in a remotely well-balanced meal, you’ll be all the better off.

6. Make a list, pick one, simple task, and get it done. Maybe you have laundry to do and it’s piling up. Maybe you have to wash down the kitchen counter. Maybe you have a worksheet for school. Maybe it’s just making the list. Whatever you need to get done, write it down, and rather than letting that overwhelm you, pick one thing from that list to tick off. Slowly but surely, you will be able to tackle the bigger things.

7. Go for a walk. Getting some fresh air and simple exercise will refresh you without tiring you out. Bring some water, or maybe make it a trip to get some of your favourite snacks and a smoothie from Jamba Juice. If you’re struggling to get up and out, having something nice to look forward too can motivate you. 

8. Think of why you’re feeling this way, and then let it go. More often than not, there is a reason you’re struggling to get up and out. Understanding the root of this feeling can help you move past it, tackle it, or keep it from holding you back.

I know this is pretty standard advice, but I think we all need that little reminder every now and again.

Copyright filters are automatically removing copies of the Mueller Report


During the bitter debate over the EU’s Copyright Directive, with its mandate for copyright filters that would automatically censor anything that anyone claimed to be infringing, opponents repeatedly warned that these filters would be trivial to abuse.

That’s because rightsholder groups would insist that anything they claimed as their copyrights would need to be censored immediately,
not after some human had had a chance to review it (even giving it a
once-over might delay a blockade of a pre-release leak, to say nothing
of the many days it might take a skilled legal practicioner or archivist
to assess whether it would be appropriate to censor a piece of media).

This is an invitation to sloppy and malicious overreporting of
copyrighted works, resulting in massive, illegitimate censorship. For
example, newscasters routinely upload their entire evening broadcast to
Youtube’s Content ID filter, meaning that any public domain footage or
third-party materials (including clips from Youtube videos) are marked
as their copyrights – that’s how NASA came to be blocked from uploading its own Mars lander footage.

But it gets worse: the laws and threats that prompt tech companies to
institute copyright filters are aimed at preventing infringement at any
cost. That means that even if you have a repeat offender who routinely
claims copyright to things they don’t own, you can’t stop taking
requests from them, because if they ever do have a valid claim, they can sue you for ignoring it.

The world is full of sloppy, brutal copyright bounty hunters that use a
variety of tactics to remove their clients’ materials, and whose lax
standards mean that they often use those tactics to remove materials
that their clients have falsely claimed to own. Think of how the Social
Element Agency claimed that a tweet complaining about their sloppy copyright takedowns was a copyright infringement, and got Twitter to censor it.

The Social Element Agency firehoses copyright claims all over the
internet, and some of them are valid. If, after receiving hundreds or
thousands (or millions) of bogus claims from the Social Element Agency,
Twitter was to block them from submitting any more claims, then the new
EU Copyright Directive would make Twitter liable for any material that
infringed the Agency’s clients’ rights. That means that there is no
cost to being a bad actor, to committing rampant copyfraud. Bounty
hunters and rightsholders can be as reckless as they like in claiming
copyrights and they’ll still be able to load their works into the
copyright filters, no matter how much copyfraud they’ve committed in the
past. And since vetting your clients’ claims costs money, it will
always be cheaper to be reckless than to be careful, and the companies
that spend the least on checking their copyright claims before submitting them will earn the most money, and grow the fastest.

This dynamic plays out all the time, including this week, when the
text-hosting platform Scribd started to mass-delete copies of the
Mueller Report that its users had uploaded. The Mueller Report, being a
work produced by the US government, is in the public domain, which means
that anyone can publish it. There are several publishers making copies for sale already.

One or more of these publishers uploaded their copy of the Report to
Scribd’s copyright filter, a fully automated system that does not
include human review. We don’t know why the publisher uploaded something
they didn’t have the rights to. Maybe they were being malicious and
wanted to drive sales of their report; or maybe they just automatically
upload everything they publish to every copyright filter they
can find, and don’t bother to pay anyone to make sure they’re not
claiming copyright over something they don’t own.

Whatever the reason, this immediately triggered mass takedowns of dozens
of users’ copies of the report. Once Scribd received users complaints
and was embarrassed by public disapprobation, it unblocked the text, and
that’s fine – until the next time it happens.

Scribd is a relatively small platform. What happens when a broadcaster
claims copyright over a key Trump gaffe on the eve of an election, and
it doesn’t get unblocked until the election is over? What happens when a
stock art company’s claims take down a photo of police brutality at a
public demonstration because a bus-ad in the background uses one of its
photos? What happens when your kid’s first steps can’t be shared with
your family back home because they happened in a room with a cartoon
playing on the TV?



Carol: alright bitches let’s do a headcount

Carol: tin man

Tony: here

Carol: fourth of july

Steve: here

Carol: mohawk

Clint: here

Carol: tin man squared

Rhodey: here

Carol: bitch

Thor: here

Carol: beautiful

Bruce: here

Carol: bunny

Rocket: here

Carol: paul rudd

Scott: here

Carol: blue man group

Nebula: here

Carol: annnnnnnnnd….my wife

Natasha: here

Carol: great lets go


ok can we agree that the WORST feeling is when you’re just sitting around consciously procrastinating and you’re just overly aware that each second that passes is more time wasted and you like watch hours pass and you’re STILL procrastinating and you CANT STOP and your panicked brain is trapped inside a body that refuses to be productive and inside you’re screaming but outwardly you’re just eating chips 





Hot take: Eddie Brock and Carol Danvers are on opposite ends of the bisexual spectrum being disaster bi and functional bi respectively. Smack dab in the middle is Steve Rogers who manages to be a huge mess while somehow still having people see him as one of the sanest people in the room.

Valkyrie got drunk and fell off the spectrum. she now exists in a void where all those things apply to her at once

Quantum Bi

Valid ideas above but please also consider

adhd gothic

Uncategorized ,


  • you want to watch a movie. you put it on. two hours have passed. you haven’t watched the movie. there are five new tasks in front of you. you want to watch a different movie.
  • there is an object in your hand. it is extremely important you don’t lose it. you look down. there is nothing in your hand.
  • you don’t know your friend’s name. you’ve been friends for months. they just told you their name. you do not know their name.
  • your friend doesn’t laugh at your joke. why didn’t they laugh? do they hate you? they assure you otherwise. you know they are lying. did they ever like you?
  • someone asks you what you just said. did you say something? you said so many things. you said nothing. you said everything.
  • there is something you’re forgetting. you check. you check again. there is nothing you’re forgetting. there is something you’re forgetting.
  • you had something to say. you can’t remember. it was important. wasn’t it? you can’t remember. 
  • there is a task that needs to be done. it should take ten minutes. you check the clock. it’s been five minutes. you check the clock. it’s been two days.



Anyway! There are a lot of reasons to still live at home as an adult, and it doesn’t mean you’ve “failed to launch” or that you’re not capable of being your own person or of having an adult life and adult relationships.

Whether you’re disabled, or you’re taking care of your elderly parents, or you struggle with chronic illness, or finances, or they do, or you just love your family and want to be close to them, these and many other reasons are valid and it’s no one’s business to comment on it like it’s a negative trait to still live with your family.

It can be very good actually, and/or necessary, and ultimately it’s personal and between you and ur family, not anyone else, and anyone unwilling to try to understand doesn’t have a space in your life and journey!

This is for people of any age, not just ppl in their early 20s!!!