Tag: Twitter




This is the best D&D

“I have a dexterity of bad” is my favorite

[a series of tweets from DungeonRobyn:

first: “Can one of us dress in the dead leader’s corpse?”

“What about just his clothes?”

“Yes, I suppose that would be easier.”

second: “You are fighting a wolf.”

“Just a wolf?”

“Yes. It’s a wolf in wolf’s clothing.”

third: “What did you get when you rolled your d8?”

“9. This may be the wrong die.”

fourth: “You transform from a bear back into human form.”

“But I’m an elf!”

“Then something went terribly wrong.”

fifth: “Maybe we should heal the tieflling before we loot the room.”

“He’s fine. Look at him – he’s breathing.”

sixth: “Did I hit? I rolled a two.”

“We’ll give that a soft no.”

seventh: “Are you finally doing something selfless?”

“Oh my word, no. I’m doing something violent.”

eighth: “How did you get bit by that snake?”

“I have a dexterity of bad.”]




So much respect for Yashar Ali sharing this. This conversation goes well beyond ADHD, but how we talk
about mental health in general. Thank you for bursting open the door for
others to be seen.

This hurt my heart to read. I struggled with ADHD for years with absolutely no idea that was why I found so many “simple” things so hard. It got really awful in college where I would be sobbing because I had an essay due and I just couldn’t make myself do it. I wanted to do it! Why was I such a stupid and lazy person?! I hated doing everything so last minute.

I’m angry at myself for not getting help when I was younger. It really sucks placing so much self-loathing and hate on yourself because neither you nor anyone else considered the possibility that maybe there was something wrong.

I was diagnosed last week. I’m 31. A lot of this thread resonates with me, especially the slipping part. I honestly thought the fact that I could manage some things in the past until I let them slip meant my inability to do them was laziness and not my ADD. The under diagnosis of adults, especially in the UK is a real thing. Up until very recently it was nearly impossible for adults to seek diagnosis and now there are posters up everywhere saying what amounts to gosh, so many undiagnosed adults! A terrible mystery, come in and get checked! Which is a bit infuriating really.

Though actually a lot of ADD people read a shit lot (I’m one of them and so are my other diagnosed friends). Just often not the things they should be reading. Hyperfocus on things that you enjoy is a thing.













This is so wholesome

Update: he finally got the cat to the vet to see if she had a microchip

I was already on board with his sweet wholesome open-to-love-and-nurturing heart but I was fully unprepared for getting to that last tweet and seeing how off the hook HOT dude is

https://twitter.com/pariszarcilla?lang=en heres his twitter is here there is also additonal cat photos of his children. 


aww, the kids grow up so fast. ;-;


This is, by far, the single most adorable fucking thing I have ever seen. 



I love that he kept …. All of them.

I’ve reblogged the earlier part of this thread before, and the new stuff makes it even better.

This is the Tumblr equivalent of a warm hug on a cold day.

I seriously just sat down and opened up Tumblr, because I wanted – no, I NEEDED – to see something wholesome.

OP delivered.




Very good news from Twitter, aside from where the spire fell through the vault, the inside of the cathedral is looking relatively alright. Breathtaking pictures.

More pictures.

That picture of the cross glowing through the smoke, embers raining down, that is going to last forever. That is going to be on front pages and in history books. That will be one of those iconic photos of history that never fades.